Angel Feathers                                 Back to Angel Stories

by Barbara Dowse

I hadn't heard about angel feathers until one of my niece's daughters was killed suddenly
recently.  Now I have been told that feathers appear when an angel has visited. Has
anyone else heard or had this experience?  I was phoning my niece to comfort her, when
she told me about this. Apparently, the teenager that killed her in this dreadful jet ski
accident, had found a white feather on the toilet seat in the bathroom, on a visit to his
lawyer's office.  Several years earlier after an accident that ended happily, she was taking
her son to be checked out at a hospital, when she saw on the passenger seat of her car- a
white feather.  She had told her mother about this, and said that meant an angel had been
there.  I was relaying these stories to my husband over dinner that evening - sitting at the
kitchen table next to a large window, we turned mid-sentence about the feather story,
looked outside, and at that very moment a large feather was slowly floating down from the
sky...sliding this way and that, in slow motion.  It was a bit freaky.  He dashed outside to
retrieve it.  Then three weeks later, I was cutting my hair in our bedroom, and I placed all
my dark hair on the little tray on my dresser.  I went for a shower, came back and went to
empty the tray; and sitting on top of the pile of hair was a little white feather.  No one was
in the house at the time, and the window was closed.  I sent these feathers to my niece tied
with a pink ribbon, and we both feel this was from her daughter.  I call them my angel
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