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Sin, Satan & The Antichrist

There have been so many different beliefs, doctrines and teachings on these
subjects that one would find it hard to know just what to believe.  Some think the
only "safe" way to live their lives is to look at every action one does and judge it,
accordingly.  Others, cowering under fear, believe "the devil" is hiding behind
every tree or underneath every rock, just waiting to pounce on them!  In both cases,
that's certainly no way to live and I do not believe those to be truths Jesus stated
would set one free.  To me, freedom simply comes from not having fear, but peace
within me, in its' place. Maybe, we have complicated these subjects.  Perhaps, we
can find simpler understandings of them and remove the fear of the unknown.

Fear forms closed doors in one's life. Each of us have the ability to choose to go
through each and every door of fear and see what lies behind it.  The only way fear
can be vanquished from a life is for it to be faced. When faced, a new freedom and
sometimes pathway to travel is found. You have to make the decision to not fear.  
Fear is the opposite of love and God is love.  That means God is not the source of
fear. Will you choose to face your fears to find inner peace?

You may be wondering why I am writing about fear.  In the past, I was stopped from
following what I was hearing on the inside of me, by people who were telling me
"God might send me to hell," if I do not follow their teachings.  Funny, how I figured
out later that I was already in hell by believing others' false beliefs about God and
myself. I spent years in that hell by refusing to hear anything but the religious
teachings I had learned. Yet, I had no idea my beliefs were in error and hurtful to
me and others.  Fear has a way of paralyzing and hurting each of us.  

The following questions are for your consideration:

Question Six:  Some teach and believe "sin" as being an outward physical
action, but Jesus taught sin to come from within a person's heart or mind.  Could
"sin" simply be a forgivable mistake due to lack of understanding, and perhaps
meaning only to "to mis-think?" (Matt. 12:35; 15:17-20)

Question Seven: Could "repentance" simply mean "to change one's mind?"  
What is repentance? (Mark 1:15)

Question Eight: It is written that Jesus spoke numerous times, "only believe," and
"have faith."  Could he be saying, "What you believe becomes real to you?" (Mark
5:36; Luke 8:50; Matt. 17:20;21:21-22)

Question Nine: Many teach the "devil" or "Satan" to be a powerful, invisible
being, lurking around every corner, just waiting to attack his helpless victims. If that
were true, then why would Jesus call Peter, "Satan," and Judas Iscariot, "a devil?"  
Could Satan and the devil represent something within us, far simpler to overcome?
(Matt. 16:23)

Question Ten: The book of Revelation states that the devil, Satan, serpent and
dragon are all one and the same.  Knowing this, why do you think Jesus also called
the religious leaders of that day, "vipers" or serpents? (Matt. 12:34; Rev. 12:9;20:2)

Question Eleven: Why are believers still waiting for Jesus to come when John
clearly stated that "He is come in the flesh," and anyone who denies this is the
Antichrist?  In light of this verse of scripture, what is an Antichrist? (I John 4:1-4)

Question Twelve: The unclean spirits Jesus confronted never denied who he
was, even proclaiming him to be the Son of God. I John 4:2 states Jesus to have
come in the flesh and whoever denies this is "Antichrist" (against Christ - wouldn't
the unclean spirits count as Antichrist?).  In this verse, could John have been
speaking of man's denial of Jesus' appearing (or coming) within our own flesh?
(Mark 1:24-25; Col. 1:27)

Question Thirteen: Why do men teach there to be only one Antichrist to come
when John clearly stated, "There are many Antichrists?" (I John 2:18-23)

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