Banning Ghost  Picture                          Back to Ghost Pictures

Kathleen sent us this strange looking ghost picture.  The black ectoplasm mist is one thing, but the white
ectoplasm forming sort of a cartoon face is another!

"This picture was taken in Banning, California about 1999.  We were trying to take a picture of the baby in the
playpin, as you can see in the background.  This image appeared in the picture.  We think it could be our great
grandmother because that is her chair in the background also.  My name is Kathleen Owen, and I live in
psychic ghost
"We believe it is our grandmother who died 10 years ago. In the background
in the playpen is my sisters grandson Patrick. My neice was looking through
a photo album and showing me her pictures when this picture was in there. I
took it from her only because I like pictures with ghosts. So I am sending it to
you, and if all possible? Can you please tell me if this is a "Real Ghost"?
The reason we also feel this is grandmother Mimi, the furniture in my sisters
house was given to her after Grandma Mimi passed away. The furniture all
belonged to Grandma Mimi. Mimi was always very possessive of her
furniture, and never really let the kids on or around it. It looks like she is
either sad, or hugging the chair that once belong to her. My sister has a
mirror in her house that belonged to Mimi, and every once in a blue moon,
Grandma Mimi will appear in that mirror."
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