Black Figure Ghost Photos             Back to Ghost Pictures

Black figures are in Christian's ghost pictures he sent us.  Each black figure has a close-up for you to

"A couple of months ago I sent you some ghost stories about my experiences at my mother's house,
and at my house.  Well, these are two pictures that were taken at my mother's house. My step dad has
seen a little girl walk through the house once; and I saw a little boy and a "shadow ghost."  You always
have the feeling of being watched when you are alone in the house.  I've also seen "mists" out of the
corner of my eye, and a "face" looking thing...and I swear I saw my great granddad after he died.  My
grandma's dead husband died out in the woods behind the house.  He was hunting and had a heart
attack. My step dad thinks he haunts the house.  We were sitting there one day, and the front door flew
open all by itself and slammed shut.  There was no wind outside, either.

(The first picture) is of my brother, step dad and mom.  To the side of my brother's head, on the
bookshelf, you can see what looks like a black figure with devilish horns.  I didn't notice it at first, and it
wasn't there when I took the picture.  There is nothing black on the top of that bookshelf.  You can also
see through the black figure."

Close-up of
the black
Below: "...this one is of my step dad and mom, and my step dad is
holding their dog Misty (who is a Pomeranian).  To the side of my step
dad, in the hallway, there are orbs and other stuff that were not there
when I took the picture.  My aunt saw the picture and thought it looked
like something was leaning against my step dad like a large dog.  I
didn't see it, until she said that about it.  There is also a small orb on
my step dad's chin."
black figure
black figure

Close-up of
the black
figure.  Is it
in a cape?
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