Catherine's Ghost Stories                 Back to Ghost Stories

By Catherine M.

This happened last year.  My memory isn't that fresh....
For some reason I decided to sleep in my
parent's room.  So I woke up around one in the
morning.  I got one of those feelings that you just
have to look, even if you don't want to.  So I
looked over and there was the moonlight of
course; but the light that came from the windows
reflected onto the wardrobe.  I had to get my eyes
used to the darkness.  When I did get them
focused, I saw this man figure.  It looked like
Jesus without the crucifix - just him.
I seriously got so scared I turned around not daring to look back or into the mirror
that hung over the dresser and bed.  I ducked under the covers and was trying to
get as close to my parents as I could.  After that, I got used to sleeping in my room
by myself.  I didn't want to go and sleep in my parents' room after that; but I did.  
Even though I was scared to the point I wanted to wet my pants, I didn't feel
threatened or anything.  It could have been my imagination since people do like to
look for faces and figures in everything.  But to me, it was very real.
After my grandmother's death and a little before my uncle's
death, I was getting ready to go to school.  I was in my room
looking for earrings to wear that day.  The attic door was open
all the way so whatever makes a noise upstairs you could hear.  
My room is connected to the attic by a door which was behind
my bed.  I started looking for the earrings.  All of a sudden I
heard noise coming from right above my head.  I was thought it
was just squirrels or birds, since they love to nest there.  But I
remembered that right above me was a bunch of stuff like
suitcases and a shelf with my gram's stuff (not the one that
passed).  I was like, "h!@! s^#t."  I didn't say that out loud,
though.  I thought, "Calm down, Catherine."  So I did, even after
it continued to get louder.  So I say, "I hear you.  You can stop
now."  Right after I said that, it stopped.  I was freaked, but I got it together and
dismissed it.  

Another time I was bored, so I thought, "You know what?  I want to talk to my
grandmother."  I began to ask questions like "Are you here?" or "Are you mad at
me? (because I did something very bad that day)?  My door is a
sucky one.  It
doesn't close like it should.  My door started to move.  So, I got the impression that
it moves for a
yes.  I wasn't scared at all.  After a while, I believed I was exhausting
my grandmother with all these questions.  I said "You can leave now."  After that I
asked, "Are you still here?"  No I believed that my grandmother had
left.  My grandmother is Hispanic like me, so I asked these questions in
Spanish.When I said, "I hear you.  You can stop now," I said it in English.  So if it
was a ghost, it was not my grandmother, because as far as I know she doesn't
speak or understand English.  I just noticed that....weird right?
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