Christianity & Christian Fear               
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Want to shake up your church?  Simply, attack the fear.
Recently, I spoke the truth of Hell not being an eternal place of torment to a person bound by traditional christian beliefs.  This led to this person's church elders contacting me and basically telling me they love me, but I am no longer welcome in their church building.  No problem.  I would rather be outside religious walls than in them, anyway.  When we attack the false doctrine of an eternal Hell, the religious feel threatened in all their beliefs.  And truly, all their beliefs are threatened if they cease to believe in an eternal Hell.  Why?  My friend M.J. points out that the entire traditional, christian doctrine is founded on false teachings which invoke fear.  It is fear created through the belief in not pleasing a judging God and possibly suffering for eternity.  Hence, Christian teachings are fear-based and not of love.  Fear is not a product of a loving God, but something man-made.  God is love.

There is no place of fear Christians call "Hell."
Christians need to know that the word "hell" is not in their Bible (in the original Greek or Hebrew), and neither are the words "forever" and "eternal."  The word mis-translated "forever" or "eternal" is the Greek word "aion," which means for a set period of time - meaning it has an end.  The words mis-translated as "hell" mean grave (sheol and hades ) or a trash dump outside of Jerusalem (Gehenna).  So, punishment by an angry god was created by early proponents of orthodox Christianity.  This is where most all other versions of Christianity originate (including evangelical and fundamentalist beliefs).  Long story...

But, why would a church still feel threatened?  Is it fear?
Why was I such a threat to the whole church that the elders would meet and then call me?  
Was it out of love for me, believing me to be lost?  No, it was all motivated by fear - fear of
losing control of their club (church) in the name of Christ.  If they loved like they say they do,
then they would show it in action.  Instead they showed they are walking in fear (afraid of
me) by telling me I am no longer welcome to visit them.  Closed minds are always bound
closed by fear.  Fear is never an act of love.

Here is a simple thought to consider:
Since God is all-knowing (omniscient) and all-powerful (omnipotent), then why wouldn't He
simply create those whom He foreknew would make the choices He preferred, and therefore not have to destroy any for making the choices He didn't prefer?  Otherwise, we have a
blood-thirsty God who is evil, if He created people whom he already foreknew He would have
to destroy because of bad choices.  Such a god would have had to make the choice to destroy for pleasure when there was no need to create people solely to watch them suffer destruction!  If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, He should have easily been able to create those whom He desired, and save us all from ever existing to face wrath should we make wrong choices.  Religion never makes sense when we think it through logically.

If you want to find the truth behind the creation of Christianity (the religion) and the Bible, you need to read my book entitled, Jesus Religion: A Critical Examination of Christian Insanity .

The man we call Jesus (his real name was likely "Yeshua") had a spiritual message that was freeing and non-condemning.  If you suffer from Christian fear (such as fearful beliefs of eternal suffering, demons, an angry god, original sin, etc), then it is time you no longer suffer.  I felt the same way at one time.  Learn how I became free from fear.

Go To: The Jesus Religion Book Page - Get A Copy!

Or Visit: The Writings of Louis Charles Author Page for more info.
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Jesus Religion, The Book
Jesus Religion: A Critical Examination of Christian Insanity
Pub Date: Jun 11 2009
ISBN: 1442157240
EAN13: 9781442157248
Page Count: 242 Pages
Binding: US Trade Paper
Size: 5.25" x 8"
Language: English
Color: Black and White
Cat: Religion/Spirituality