Darla's Ghost Photos                                       Back to Ghost Pictures

Darla's house appears to be haunted, as she continues to capture more ghost photos.  Here are just a few
of what she has found in her home.  If no one was smoking, then we have no other explanation:

"At 4:15 am today, Mike woke up and let the dogs out.  Roscoe wouldn't move - Mike snapped thi:s"
darla's ghost photo
Ectoplasm again is captured in Darla's
house.  This is definitely indicative of
spiritual presence.  Is it a ghost or simply
spiritual visitors, such as family members?
Just because spirits are present, does not
mean they are harmful ghosts.  Often
times spirits are observing or assisting us.

"Mike took this after Roscoe would not
move from that spot."
Above: Nice ectoplasm with distinct vapor trails!

"My eleven year old grandson took this picture."
Left: More

"I found this
on my
camera and
don't know if
it's anything.
Can you tell
me what it is?"

Left: Was this
light anomaly
caused by the
camera flash
setting, or is it
spirit energy?

"We were
driving down a
dark road. We
stopped at the
land where a
mother and 6
year old son
died in a
house fire."


"Did I catch a
good vapor
trail?  It was a
clear night, no
fog, no lights."

Left: Look

"My husband
and I went to
the cemetery
where both hsi
parents are
We caught a
lot of
shots, but did
we catch a
ghost walking
through the
Left: Close-up (of the above ghost picture) of a lady
walking through the cemetery.  If there was no one else
there, then this is an incredible apparition.  It's not Darla, as
she has short hair.
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