Darla's Ghost Pictures                               Back to Ghost Pictures

Darla has ghostly activity going on in her home with furniture moving, disruption of the dogs, mists, orbs and
the like.  Here are some of her ghost pictures...some of them are just plain strange:
dog orb ghost picture
dog orb
Above: Close-up of
the dog face inside of
the orb.  Can you see
the dog?
Above: "This is a close-up of the orb that looks like a face of a dog in it.  We
showed it to an Indian tribe elder, and he said it was of a wolf that is some
sort of protection."
Above:  Ectoplasm ghost picture.  "We get a lot of crazy pics in our new
house.  We hear pounding on doors, things get moved, my desktop things on
my computer get moved around, and our dogs go nuts.  We'll take a photo
and there will be orbs or mists..."

Below: Orb picture.  "This a.m., our dog Roscoe was barking and my
husband snapped this (picture) and an orb was right where he was barking
at.  I know now, animals can see or sense things."
Close-up of the
red dots.  

We're not sure
what caused this,
but it is truly
strange!  It's the
first picture like
this we have seen.
Left: Original photo.
"This photo was taken late at night at my
husband's sister's home while we were staying
with her.  A lot of weird things were happening in
that house - good and bad.  Really look at this
photo. You can actually see a lot of different
things in it."
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