Ghost Hunters Equipment

Ghost Hunters Equipment                         Back to Ghost Hunters
We will provide a list of some ghost hunters equipment we recommend, but first should
cover some basics regarding ghost hunting.  Good ghost hunters equipment is important,
but so is good ghost hunting habits.  Also, see: Ghost Equipment

Being a good ghost hunter, try and rule out natural causes for phenomena for most will be
explainable.  Ghosts are rarely seen, but usually are felt or "sensed."  They are also detected
by good ghost hunters equipment.  Ghosts are simply disembodied people, and are
interactive, conscious spirits detected by the ghost hunter's equipment as mists, orbs and
energy (as they really appear).  Residual energy, or a spiritual imprint left behind from the
past, have been detected and may be seen as ghosts dressed in clothes (usually from
another time period.  It is of importance to note that some ghosts have been seen dressed
in clothes, interactive and conscious - maybe projecting how they formerly looked in this

As a ghost hunter, one should never go alone, never trespass, never drink or smoke, and
always make someone aware of where you are ghost hunting.  One should keep an open
mind, while first trying to find natural causes for seemingly paranormal experiences.   Also,
one should learn how to decipher true ghostly activity by knowing how ghosts in photos
appear, and how to detect them with ghost hunters equipment.  A good ghost hunter's
equipment should be kept clean, straps removed, and fresh, extra batteries should be
carried during the ghost investigation.  One should know how to properly use ghost hunting
equipment, such as EMF meters, cameras, video recorders, thermometers, etc. After the
investigation, carefully study the evidence collected by the ghost hunters equipment.

Ghost Hunters Equipment - Below is a general list of equipment one should try and
use during a good ghost investigation.  Of course, other equipment is available beyond this.

1) Pen and paper - to take notes of your observations and experiences.
2) Flashlight - to see where you are going
3) Camera - digital or 35mm (digital typically catches more dust orbs)
4) Infrared Sensor - to detect movement
5) EMF Meter - to detect electro-magnetic fields created by ghosts
6) Electronic Thermometer - to detect sudden temperature changes by ghostly activity
7) Video Camera - provides another "witness" of activity to back-up other equipment

Other Ghost Hunter's Equipment - Alternatives to the expensive kind.

1) Compass - to detect changes in electromagnetic fields.
2) Dowsing Rods - to detect ghostly activity and where ghosts are. Not all can dowse.
3) Thermometer - to detect temperature changes, but will not do it from a distance.
4) Infrared Burglar Alarm - can be used to detect movement and is less expensive.
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