Ghosts & Animism                                                                     Back to: Ghosts in Religion  

Ghosts can be found within religion and animism.

Animism is a term used for the beliefs about ghosts and spirits found within primitive tribes around the world.  Many believe animism to be the common beliefs found within tribal societies, from which other religions

eventually evolved.  Hinduism, for example, is believed to find its roots in animism, just as Buddhism later rose out of Hindu beliefs.

Most primitive tribes believe in an unseen realm, co-existing with the physical, earthly realm, and that people live on after death of the body.  Thus, most tribal groups hold fast to beliefs regarding ghosts, spirits, and their interaction between the unseen and seen.

The common thread of beliefs found within animism may be due to various tribe members over time experiencing profound dreams, visions, out of body and near death experiences which perhaps teach the existence of ghosts and spirits.  Animism therefore typically teaches the living are sometimes 

influenced by ghosts through visitations, messages, and even ghost possession.  Tribal customs and celebrations may often center around such beliefs in ghosts and spirits.

Interestingly, animism also at times holds beliefs in people having multiple souls or spirits, sometimes within various body parts, or that spirits can possess objects.  In animism, animals and plants are often believed to

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have a spirit (or soul), with some tribes believing in some form of reincarnation.  Animism beliefs in reincarnation vary, as some believe certain animals can be re-born into human body form, or that human beings sometimes are re-born within animal bodies, etc.  Sometimes, the teaching of animals as protectors of humans, known as totems, are also subscribed to.  Often, ghosts of tribal members are also portrayed as guardian spirits, watching out for the well-being of family and friends.

To best describe the relationship between ghosts and animism, one just might as well state that animistic beliefs hold true to the existence of all sorts spirits.  The existence of more powerful spirits are sometimes subscribed to natural wonders, such as rivers, mountains, volcanos, forests, etc.  Some tribes believe these nature spirits need to be appeased for good luck to befall them.  Not surprising, fearful ghosts, spirits and monsters also permeate animism beliefs.

Animism seems to have been a universal, but fairly antiquated way of viewing the world as a whole, without much understanding in the workings of nature and science.  Yet, even in all its primitiveness, animism's shared, common beliefs in the existence of ghosts, spirits and an afterlife still remain relevant, today.

Content copyright 2008
Angels & Ghosts, LLC