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February 2011 – Angels & Ghosts Newsletter

Posted by Administrator on February 23, 2011

February 2011 Angels & Ghosts News & Updates!


LIKE our Facebook page now!

Fantastic February!
This month I want to keep the newsletter short, so here’s what you need to know:

“Like” our Facebook page and gain access to a free audio download of Helping Ghosts’ Chapter 3!

(The chapter is about my experiments of communicating with spirits and ghosts. Included in the audio are some of the actual messages referenced in the book! You’ll be amazed at how clear the ghost and spirit voices are.)

Like Our Facebook Page Here

The Angels & Ghosts Facebook page is just another way to catch links to articles, photos, stories, evp and more that we post daily. There are over 4500 pages to our website, so our Facebook page is a great way to peruse our fodder!


Can We Audio Record EVP of Enlightened Spirits?


Audio recording spirit guides…

Ghosts or Spirit Voices as EVP?
This is a good topic.

Many of us are aware that we can audio record the voices of ghosts. Paranormal investigators call this phenomenon, “EVP.” But what about recording the voices of enlightened spirits or angels? Is it possible?

This month we share our thoughts about this. Can you record helpful messages of truth, peace and joy?

Find out more: Recording Spirit Voices.


Ghost Pictures Hidden Within Audio Recordings?


Are these faces of spirits found within audio spectrograms?

OK – You are going to really like this article!

This month we look at a form of ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication) that is exploring audio files for spectrographic images of people hidden with them. Could ghosts and spirits be making their presence known through cryptic imagery?

This is definitely possible, because modern-day musicians have purposely hidden their faces within audio!

Explore: Ghosts in Audio


Links to Angels, Ghosts & Spirits!


We are always adding more pages about ghosts and spirits!

The following are new pages of photos for February ‘11:

Pics of Ghosts (New Ghost Pictures!)

Pictures of Spirits (New angel and spirit pictures we have collected.)

The following are new stories for February ‘11:

Patient Sees Spirits

Angels Guides NDE

Page of new ghost videos for February ‘11:
Ghosts on Tape

For more spirited pages to explore, visit:

Ghost Stories

Angel Stories

Ghost Videos

Ghost Pictures

Angel Pictures


Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store


Dale Lute’s Mansfield Ghost Photo on the home page of C2C!

Fringe Tech Ghost Hunting Store

You can find some unique ghost investigation items here. We are getting ready to add more inventory in the next week, so stop by!

Our IR-converted cameras are a hit! Why? They are low-cost and people are getting results. Two ghost photos from our customers recently appeared on Coast to Coast Am Radio’s website!

More cameras coming!!!


Learn to Help Ghosts & Solve Cases of Haunting!


Learn about the other side…

Pick up a copy of Helping Ghosts: A Guide to Understanding Lost Spirits and understand why ghosts do the things they do.

Ghosts have mystified the human experience for thousands of years. This does not mean, however, that we cannot come to an understanding about the behavior of human spirits.

Buy a copy from Amazon!

Buy a Signed copy!

Read a review from someone who is not a ghost investigator

Read the Amazon reviews!

Have a Great Month!

Louis Charles, Publisher

Angels & Ghosts

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