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Ghosts & Angels on Tap! July 2012 Newsletter

Posted by Administrator on July 18, 2012

Both Ghosts and Angels on Tap!

Louis Charles

July 2012

I know it’s been a while since we have written you about angels. This month, we are happy to make you aware of an incredible angel sighting. We also have some great ghost pictures to review and an account of ghostly experiences from a 12 year old girl.

Have a great month and enjoy the following articles and photographs!

The Shanksville Angel Sightings

Flight 93 and angels?

Lillie Leonardi was at the crash scene of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania that occurred as part of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Recently, she published a book that details her story of seeing angels at the crash scene. Her insightful thoughts caught our attention, and so, we suggest looking closer at Lillie’s Shanksville Angel Sightings.

Ghost Sightings From a 12 Year Old

Kids and ghosts…

Some are too quick to discount ghost sightings from children. But yet, many experiences with ghosts seem to come from kids. Are they all bogus, or could some be real?

This month we look at several sightings from a 12 year old and her friends. Did they encounter ghosts? You decide…

Ghost Sightings Stories

Ghost Pictures That Are Dang Good

Apparition in a video still?

The owner of a Perth tearoom comes forward with a surveillance video capture of what appears to be a ghostly apparition. Some have hailed it to be the best paranormal evidence of the last 10 years. But is it? We looked at the still image taken from the clip, but this just made us wonder, “Where is the ghost video?”

What’s happening in this Scotland Ghost Picture

Face reflected on the card?

Sports card…ghost face. Say what?

Yeah, that’s right. We see a pair of eyeballs looking back at us when we study this Patrick Ewing basketball card. Is it a ghost or coincidence? Pareidolia or proof that items can be haunted?

Decide for yourself: Sports Card Ghost

Figure in a church window.

We’ve all heard that ghosts aren’t supposed to be in churches. Well, we might beg to differ, and so would Leo who captured a figure in its window (when the building was empty). Is this a ghost?

Take a closer look at the Church Window Ghost

Is that a man sitting?

Recently, we received an incredible ghost picture taken in downtown St. Augustine. While snapping photographs of a castle-looking house, Tracey Harrell inadvertently snapped this pic (at right) of what looks to be a man sitting on a chair!

Study the St. Augustine Ghost Picture

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Best Journeys,

Louis Charles, Publisher & Author

Angels & Ghosts

Helping Ghosts

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