Contest Coming! Mystical Experiences, Apparitions Before Death…

ghosts-roger-clarke-book-review-122014Ghost Book Contest Coming!
Free book give-away ‘contest’ coming mid-December! Watch the Angels & Ghosts homepage or (sign up and) watch for our next newsletter to see the announcement!!

(Below: November 2014 Newsletter – sorry, we’re a little late in posting.)

Apparitions Before and After Death?
You may be well aware of seeing the ghosts of the deceased but were you aware that sightings of spirits of people before they pass is a well documented phenomena?

In 1889, London’s Society for Psychical Research published the report ‘On Apparitions Occurring Soon After Death.’ We think you’ll find the summation of their work rather astounding (hundreds of cases were studied).

Study Apparitions Occurring Soon After Death

most-haunted-buildings-of-britain-102014zzThe 40 Most Haunted Places in Britain
Stories of haunting and ghosts seem to pour out of the United Kingdom. Even the modern day ghost story can be credited back to writings that hail from Britain.

So, it is no surprise that there are a lot of haunts! Explore the 40 Most Haunted Buildings in Britain

Mystical Experiences: What Are They?
We did some study into the writings of William James, someone who explored religious and spiritual phenomena. Heck, he even founded the American Society for Psychical Research.

The following article outlines the common experiences found within mysticism: Mysticism and Mystical Experiences

savannah-ghosts-112014Instrumental Transcommunication History
When people use electronics to communicate with ghosts and spirits, the practice is known as Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC).

This video about the history of ITC is really well done and should be shared: Communication with the Deceased.

Mo’ Things to See and Read!
What is the ‘Savannah Ghost Show’?
We visit the haunted city and find out…
Ghost in Fire?
Photo sent to us from Sweden is waaay cool!
Fairmount Banff Springs Ghost Picture
Silhouette of a ghost girl possibly photographed…
Butchart Gardens Angel
Angel-looking water fountain formation…
Lord Combermere Ghost Picture
Updated story concerning this famous ghost pic!
The Devil: Collective Unconsciousness?
Working article in progress…