Girl Face Ghost Picture                     Back to Ghost Pictures

This ghost picture was sent to us by Mary Waldren and Terri Duncan.  Here's their story:

"This picture was taken in Orangeburg, Kentucky on a clear sunny day.  My Uncle was involved in the
remodeling of  this particular house at the time and claimed to have heard footsteps and whispers
throughout the house, but most notably in the kitchen and the room next to it.  My Uncle asked me and my
Aunt to investigate after being at the house one day and seeing a small girl in a yellow dress run through
the kitchen and right by him!  He called out to the little girl to tell her that she couldn't be in there because it
wasn't safe for her---that's how real she seemed to him.  Of course she was nowhere to be found when he
went in search of her.  We took many pictures of the inside, nothing was seen or heard while we were
doing this.  We proceeded outside toward the back of the house and my Aunt said, 'Come on little one, just
show yourself,' and snapped a picture.  At the time she was taking the photograph nothing was seen in the
window.  It was a very beautiful sunny day, no one was in the house when the picture was taken.  Look in
the window on the left, now look at the bottom right hand corner.  See the face of the girl?  When we first
looked through the tons of photos we took that day, nothing was seen except what you would normally see
when a house is being remodeled.  That particular room where those windows are is one of the most active
rooms, it's next to the kitchen.  My Uncle has recently been back to this house, remodeling yet again,
(seems no one stays in this house for any length of time)  and he claims that she is still there.  Of course I
cannot say for sure that this is a ghost, but it seems rather odd to me that we would capture what looks like
a little girl's face and thus confirming what my Uncle witnessed."
Close-up of
the window.  
We can see
what looks to
be an older
adult face
behind the
girl face.
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