Haunted African Doll                                          Back to Haunted Dolls

This haunted doll was auctioned off on Ebay.  The images and story about the haunted doll are from the
auction page and was sold by a paranormal investigator specializing in
haunted dolls:
haunted doll
haunted doll
Close-up picture of
the haunted doll
energy that
showed up on
Original E-Bay Listing for the Haunted African Doll:  

"This doll was given to my wife as a gift by a lady now deceased. The doll is missing one
shoe and we have no ideal why. It appears to be an older/vintage type doll. This doll seems
to carry a strange relaxing energy with it. Both of us feel really sleepy after holding the doll
after any given time. Now I know that's weird, but it's the truth. We think that we may have
captured that energy around the doll on the pictures to the left. If you know someone having
trouble sleeping, or really high strung that needs relaxing this would be a great doll for them."

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