Haunting My Home Ghost Story             Back to Ghost Stories
Our Ghost Story of the Month for June 2007!
By Kayla J.

This was about ten years ago...
When I was around six, my parents and I lived in a
new house.  It was one of the first built in the
neighborhood.  When we moved in, nothing
seemed too strange.  We would always feel that
something was watching us, but thought nothing
of it.  I was afraid to sleep in my own bed, so I
slept in my parents' bedroom.  On the first night in
the house, nothing happened.  I did have
nightmares that something was at the foot of the
bed and that really creeped me out.
The next night something really different happened.  I was lying on the bed, wide
awake, because I couldn't sleep.  I rolled over on my left side facing the bathroom
that connected to the bedroom.  The door was open.  Suddenly the wall just
opened!  I don't scream when I am scared; I hold my breath.  A man in ratty, old
fashioned-looking clothes stepped through.  He walked to the side of the bed,
stopped, smiled at me, and walked out the bedroom door that led to the living
room.  I could not move for at least five minutes.  Then I woke my parents and told
them what I saw.  Of course they did not believe me.
This continued every night.  Once I tried to wake my parents
while this person was still in the room, but they would not wake.
Eventually they started to realize that I wasn't making this up or
dreaming it.  Even though the ghost scared me, he seemed
really nice. He always smiled at me before he walked out of the
room.  He never appeared to my parents.

Seeing this ghost has made me a true believer..
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