How To Talk To Angels                                          Back to Angels

At Angels & Ghosts, we believe that messengers or angels are all around us in spirit and
are most likely enlightened humans on the other side of the grave.  We also believe that
these same enlightened beings talk to us, as they try and guide us wisdom
through thoughts that speak to our minds.  The following article does a nice job of
explaining how you can talk to and communicate with the angels around you:

Psychic Angels
by Skye Thomas  

"Are you looking for a way to improve your accuracy as a psychic? Maybe you're just
thinking it would be kind of cool if you could 'know' things before they happen. Call on the
spirits to help you. It's not important what label you use to wrap your head around the
concept - guardian angels, fairies, or spirit guides. You could even call on God, Jesus,
Buddha, Mohammed, or whomever it is that you think of when you connect to the spirit
world. This isn't the place to debate who or what it is, just call on that force when you want
help with tapping into your paranormal gifts. It could be a psychological trick that we're
playing on ourselves by turning to a mysterious spiritual third party to help us with these
things or it could be that the spirits are really helping us. Doesn't really matter does it?
Either way, you'll be amazed at the results.

We all have the ability to connect through telepathy, to see visions clairvoyantly, to
channel great works of art from the heavens, and to psychically read each other. Most
people don't believe that they can so they never bother to learn. Some have done it since
birth and don't know life any other way. There's a decent sized group in the middle that do
believe it's possible, but don't know how or they just have hit or miss episodes that they
have no control over. I was one of those people who since my earliest memories could do
some things some times but had no real control over when or how the visions and
telepathy and such could be used. I couldn't summon it at will. It summoned me.

Once I developed a relationship with my spirit friends, everything changed. I requested that
they help me in this area among others. Sure enough my accuracy rate improved
dramatically. I had been giving psychic readings for some extra cash now and then. I was
always worried that I might not be able to tap into the other person's life and be able to
read them correctly. After connecting to my guardian angels, I would simply ask them to tell
me what to say. I would literally ask them, "What would you have me say to this person?
What is it that they need to hear? Is there anything they need to know?" Then, I'd see
visions and describe them or I'd 'remember' what it was I was supposed to say. It was like I
was remembering a conversation from a previous meeting. The psychic readings had a
sense of deja vu about them. I always felt like I'd already been there and had already said
whatever it was that I was supposed to say. It became very clear that the angels were more
accurate then I was.

One time, a coworker had heard through the grapevine that I was able to give psychic
readings. We had recently become friends and so she asked me to read her. As I held her
wedding ring, I saw and heard things about her and her relationships within her family. She
was tickled with my accuracy rate. She could tell that there was something I was holding
back and not telling her. She was right. I had seen something that really upset me and I
wanted to protect her from it. I didn't want it to be true. She pestered me until I told her
what I had seen. In the vision, her husband was standing there with the word "infidelity"
written across his forehead. I was angry because I knew how devoted she was to him and
the idea that he could hurt her like that was more than I could bear. She began to giggle
and cheer. She said that despite them both being in their early twenties, that he had been
married once before. He had caught his first wife in bed with another man. He had kicked
her out and divorced her. He had told my friend that she could get big and fat or bitchy
and lazy, but he could never cope with the idea of her cheating on him too. Infidelity wasn't
his crime it was his fear. I learned to not assume what the visions meant in a reading, but
to just deliver the message. I was never that accurate before my spirit guides started
helping me with the readings.

If you are serious about learning how to see into your own future, ask your guides to show
you the way. That's what they're here for. You have to find your own form of meditation
and prayer that works for you. I recently heard a great definition of the difference between
meditation and prayer. Prayer is when you talk to the spirit world about what you need,
want, and feel. Meditation is when you listen to the spirit world's response. Each of us
prays and meditates in our own way. Find your method and then ask your guardian
angels, the fairies, spirit guides, Jesus, whoever to help you to be able to do psychic
readings, or to be able to do healings, or works of art, or whatever else it is that you're
wanting to do. If your request is in your own best interest, doesn't harm others, and is from
a place of love and not ego gratification, then they will help you.

It doesn't work if you're just wanting to do it like some sort of a party trick. I personally have
never been able to do it when showing off or bragging. They just don't show up for that
kind of stuff. If anything, I think they shut off the power or something. I could always do a
little bit even without them, but if I'm being egotistical, they stop me from being able to do
any of it at all. So, you'll want to double check that your motives are worthy of an angel's

Adapted from Voices: Divinity or Insanity? Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge

About The Author

Skye Thomas is the CEO of Tomorrow's Edge, an Internet leader in inspiring leaps of faith.
She became a writer in 1999 after twenty years of studying spirituality, metaphysics,
astrology, personal growth, motivation, and parenting. Her books and articles have
inspired people of all ages and faiths to recommit themselves to the pursuit of happiness.
After years of high heels and business clothes, she is currently enjoying working from
home in her pajamas. To read more of her articles, sign up to receive her free weekly
newsletter, and get free previews of her books go to