I Have Ghosts                                                                           Back to Ghost Stories

by Dana Jackson
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I have ghosts in my home.  My husband (not a believer until recently) has said he has heard
children playing downstairs at night.  Our kids were asleep.  I, on the other hand, have had
something waking me up at 3:15am on the dot ever night for weeks.  It has stopped for a week
now, but I have heard something walking upstairs and coming down the stairs at night. My cats
are both downstairs with me and they hear it too, and run to look up the stairs to see who's
coming down.  If they are children, I dont want to frighten them by telling them to get out.  
Children are so sensitive, and can sometimes lash out if they feel they are being treated
unfairly.  I don't want to make them worse, just simply want them to leave.  My four year old son
says something keeps coming into his room at night, and has recently started sleeping with the
light on.  He says it wants to hurt him.  I don't encourage him thinking this, and tell him there's
nothing to be afraid of and that no one is there; but he insists there is.  I've never been afraid of
ghosts, but these ghosts are making me nervous.

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