Julie's Ghost Experience                                              Back to Ghost Stories

by Julie C.
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One evening, I felt a strong presence in my room and something bumped my bed - nothing
major, just like something was bumping into it.  I asked out loud for it to stop and it did. About
five minutes later, it happened again.  I got up and didn’t sleep all night!!  By the way, my cat
was lying on the bed with me, not moving, and I don’t have a dog.  The cat woke up and
started staring in one spot.  I could see this, because I had been sleeping with my TV on all
night.  I didn’t have the camera on my bedside table, or else I would have loved to have
snapped a picture at that time.  My cat hates it when I take a shower.  He’ll sometimes lie
within ten feet, staring at the curtain waiting for me to get out; but never has he jumped on the
edge while the shower’s on.  There were a few mornings that I’d be in the shower and hear him
meow - like he was scared to death.  He’d jump between the curtain liner and the shower
curtain, extend his paw into the shower, and cry out in a horrific meow.  He’d look back behind
him into the bathroom area while doing it, like he didn’t want to be alone out there.  Since
whatever it was bothered my cat so much, I couldn’t stand living like that.  He has always been
such a laid back, normal and very social cat.  He seemed super stressed out, which in turn
stressed me out.  I believe that we all could have some positive spirits around.  Whatever this
was, it caused havoc at my place, and I couldn’t embrace that.

I’ve done numerous things that have been suggested and only one worked.  I had asked
whatever it was to leave, telling it bothering the cat isn’t acceptable; performed smudging;
singing bowl; vacuumed from ceiling to floors..etc.  Last Tuesday evening, I decided to have
my entire home, cat and myself blessed with holy water.  Since then, absolutely no orbs have
appeared in my photos.  For three days, I took tons of photos and no orbs. Every day, I was
getting an orb in many of my photos.  Sometimes, it was while I felt a presence, and other
times it was because of the cat.  There were times during all of this that I took photos when I
didn’t feel a presence, and my cat wasn’t nervous; and those pics never had any orbs.  Most
importantly, my cat, Galvan has returned to acting like himself again.

After reading many forums, I know this topic is highly debated. My experience makes me a
believer.  I never felt any negative presence or that I was in any danger, but my cat being
scared bothered me.  He could obviously see whatever it was, or sense it enough to look right
at it.

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