Little Girl Ghost Story                         Back to Ghost Stories

By Austin
I use to live in a house in Livonia, Michigan.  My family and I swear it is haunted.  We have all
experienced something except my father.  I'll tell one story (even though I have plenty more).
One cloudy day, my mother and I were home alone.  My mother was upstairs and I was
downstairs watching TV, when I decided to go up to my room.  I turned the corner and froze.
Sitting in the living room, was this little girl.  I walked upstairs to my mom and asked, "Mom,
who is that little girl downstairs?"  So, my mom freaks out, and we go downstairs to look; and
there was no one there - all the windows and doors were locked.

Most people say that it was just my mind playing with me; but, if so, why do I remember so
many details about the girl.  Hmm...
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