Miranda's Haunted House     Back to Ghost Stories

The house I grew up in as a child had a ghost. The typical weird stuff would always
happen to my family and myself. For instance, cold breezes for no reason, extreme
temperature drops in certain areas of the house (even in the summer), feelings of
being watched and stared at, items disappearing and reappearing, doors opening and
closing, pictures turning around, pets going "insane" or dying mysterious deaths, our
names were called and shouted at us, cabinets flew open and pots and pans crashed
to the floor . . .and, we all often experienced one thing in particular that creeped us out
the most, when anyone would be in the shower there would be a sudden "blow" into the
right ear as if an invisible entity were standing right beside you and just blew real hard
into your ear! My mother was fortunate enough to be the only person in the house to
see our guest. She says he was a tall man dressed in an old fashioned army uniform. I
did some research a few years ago, and discovered that a civil war skirmish from the
Battle of Westport in 1864 was fought on the property and many soldiers died there.
We also found an old graveyard that verifies this. It is located less than a half mile from
our house and contains a mass grave of numerous unidentified soldiers of this same
battle. Needless to say, I have ALWAYS believed in ghosts, and my interest in the
paranormal began at a very young age!
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