Miscellaneous Orb Pictures                        Back to Ghost Pictures

We receive many orb pictures each month.  Some we post, and others we do not.  This is but a few of them sent
to us in August for September's viewing...
Nice moving
Rillis sent these
two bike pics
with orbs. Taken
at the Desert
Dash Bike Rally
in Burns/Hines
Oregon in
August 2005
psychic reading
"This picture was taken on December 28, 2004. It is my middle son who is
in our basement showing off one of his Christmas toys. When I
downloaded my pics from my digital camera, I noticed these orbs around
him and an extremely large orb above his head. When I zoomed in to the
orb above his head, I could see the face of what looks to be a young boy,
looking down at my son. You can clearly see the outline of his hair, eyes,
and nose."
Sarah Chandler, Madison, IN
psychic reading
My house is totally freaky, I have seen a man here and we can hear a child
crying. The stairs creek at night like someone is constantly walking down
ad up them. Doors open ad occasionally slam shut. My two little sisters are
scared to sleep withought a night light on. Were all pretty used to it
though, nothing has really happened recently just small things like you can
hear whispering and stuff. I had something touch my back once at the end
of the steps, i freaked out and my mom looked at my back and it looked
like something had scratched me between my shoulder blades but no one
was behind me."  - Denise Matthews
Psychic Predictions
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