My Amazing Experiences                       Back to Ghost Stories

by Katie Grantham
These are my amazing experiences...

I have had two similar experiences.  My first was when I was about ten years old.  I am
always in bed when this happens.  My mum had just come home from a night out with
friends, and woke me up.  I remember thinking, 'Great. I am never going to get back to sleep
now.'  I am a very light sleeper; and I must have gone back to sleep, because I woke up a
few hours later; and everywhere was silent.  As I was lying on my back and I closed my that very second that I closed my eyes, I felt a presence in my room.  I remember
thinking, 'Oh its mum coming to check on me' (like mums do).  So I tried to open my eyes,
but I couldn't.  I couldn't move or speak.  I remember trying so hard to open my eyes, that my
eyebrows were lifting up!  I then felt a warm feeling on my cheek, like someone had kissed
me!  When the feeling had gone, I could open my eyes -- and no one was there!  I asked my
mum the next day if she had been in my room, and she said, 'No.'  She went straight to
sleep!  The next time this happened, was about four years ago.  I had just got into bed...then
the whole house shook.  I was terrified.  My mum was staying at a friend's house, so I
phoned her on her mobile.  She had felt it, too.  She told me she was going to put the news
on to find out what had happened, and she would ring me back!  A few minutes later, she
phoned and told me that we just had a mini-earthquake!  She told me not to worry; it was
over, and to go back to sleep.  I turned onto my side and put the quilt on my head (so my
face was peering out).  As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt a presence.  I had floor boards at
the time, and I could even hear them creaking...someone was walking across my floor!  
Again I tried to open my eyes, and I couldn't.  My eyebrows were lifting up again, trying
desperately to open them.  I couldn't move or speak!!  Then I felt a weight on top of me, like
an arm around me giving me a cuddle.  As soon as the feeling was gone, I could open my
eyes again...and my room was empty.  Who is this?? What is this??

I feel very blessed to have had these experiences; but also find it frustrating, because I want
to know more!  Amazing, hey?  I have been kissed and cuddled, and I don't know who by...
Psychic Predictions
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