My Ghost Encounters                        Back to Ghost Stories

by Letishya from Australia
I am twenty years old, and I live in Australia.  In 2000 when I was 14,  I lived in Victoria with my
mum and two sisters.  We had just moved into a new house.  I had met this girl, and we
became good friends and one night she stayed at our house.  Anyway, the next morning my
friend,  younger sister and I were cooking eggs for breakfast.  While we were waiting for
them to cook, we were talking; and my sister had the egg flip (spatula) in her
hands, behind her back.  All of a sudden, something lifted the egg flip out of her hand.  We all
turned around, and the egg flip was floating in the air; then it just dropped onto the floor.  So,
we took the frying pan off the hotplate, and ran out into the lounge room screaming (where my
mum was sitting; we told her what had happened).  About five minutes later (after we had
calmed down a bit ), we went back into the kitchen, and the egg flip wasn't on the floor where
it was on the bench.

This is another encounter that occurred a couple of years later in 2003, when I was 17 years
old.   My mum , sisters and I had just moved to New South Wales and were staying at our
Aunty's house, until we got our own house.  My sisters and I had to share a room which
happened to be the room that our grandfather passed away in.  One night, everyone was in
the lounge room watching TV, and I went into the room to do something...and I didn't even
bother turning the light on.  I saw the Vaseline sitting in the middle of the dressing table, and  
when I had my back turned towards the wall, the Vaseline rolled off the dressing table.  I ran
down the hall screaming, and my mum asked me what was wrong.  I told her, and she said,
"Don't be scared.  You know it's only dad.  I knew that, but it still freaked me out.

Another time in this room, I was sitting in there with my two sisters and two cousins.  We were
all sitting on the bed talking, and the radio that had belonged to my grandfather suddenly
came on.  We all freaked out, because no one was near it to turn it on.
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