My Guardian Angel, John, was Surely Working in
Office Max
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by A. Hicks

My Guardian Angel, John, was Surely Working in Office Max

I was chosen to chair the annual church anniversary program at my church. It was
going to be something different--not just another program and church as usual. The
Lord had placed in my heart the desire to produce and direct a play.

Alas, the cast members were chosen and the rehearsals had begun. Somewhere in
the process things started to fall into pieces as cast members began to withdraw
from the cast and the ones who remained weren’t committed to attending

I was done with it! I decided that I would call the whole thing off and would have done
just that, except my pastor would not allow it. He gave me a directive--- the play was
to take place and thus I was to make the necessary revisions to ensure of it.

Reluctantly, I agreed, recast the play and later went shopping for costumes and
artifacts. One trip to Office Max to purchase an ink jet to print the programs for the
play gave me the confirmation and motivation I needed to stay in the fight and
complete what I had started.  

As my husband and I walked in the store, a man wearing an Office Max uniform shirt
approached us and asked, “Can I help you folks find something today?”  We replied
by asking him to assist us in locating an ink jet for our printer.

He led us to the appropriate aisle and handed us the ink jet we needed. I invited him
to be my special guest at my church to attend the play. He replied by inquiring about
the name of the play. I told him the title—"To Hell and Back." He looked at me and
said, “That’s interesting because I’ve been there several times.”  I didn’t get the
sense that the man was an odd ball and my husband who normally would be
skeptical took interest in what the man had to say.

My husband encouraged the conversation by saying, “Oh, really---What is it like?”

The man shared with us what hell is like and gave us a vivid description of what it’s
like to be a passenger and resident there. He shared with us that hell is a place that
is difficult to describe and hard to put in human terms. He told us about a dark place
with a bottomless pit with sounds of screams, wailing and gnashing of teeth as
described in the book of Revelation.   He says that when he sees and meets people
he can look in their eyes and know whether they will spend eternity in heaven or hell.  
He had the heart of a soul winner and says that it makes him very sad when he
knows someone will not make it to heaven.  My husband asked him if he could tell if
we would go to heaven or hell.  He ignored the question and continued to share with
us what hell is like and how the many souls there are forever falling, but never
reaching the bottomless pitch.  He described hell as the most horrible place ever,
comparing the temperature between being severely cold and severely hot.

It was as if time stood still as we stood in the aisle of the Office Max store being
mesmerized by this total stranger, who had obviously been places we had never
been and didn’t mind sharing with us.

The man also told us that He has also been to Heaven many times and shared with
us what Heaven is like. The description he gave us of Heaven is comparable to
John’s vision. I sensed that he was talking from personal experience and not based
on what He’s read or something that he has been told.  I felt as if I was getting an
advance lesson in Geometry as he talked about the dimensions of Heaven, the
cubic squares and diameters. He also described the streets made as gold.   

In my opinion he spoke of concepts beyond human comprehension. He talked about
how in heaven people are able to speak with their thoughts and how thoughts are
transferred from one person to the next without their lips having moved. He talked
about the beauty of nature and how when you step on the grass it doesn’t wither and
instantly pops up because there is no death there at all.

This man had such an incredible warm spirit. The love and peace I felt from being
graced by his presence is indescribable. It was as it he took us to heaven and hell
and back as he painted mental pictures in our minds leaving an impression on us
that can never be eased.

After speaking with him for over an hour, I finally asked him his name. He said his
name was John and provided no other information. I wanted to keep in contact with
him and asked how we may get in contact with him. He gave us vague responses.
He said that he travels a lot and he’s not in one place for long period of times. I then
asked if he could provide us with a phone number so I could remind him about the
upcoming play I was featuring at my church.  Once again, he reiterated that he
travels a lot and that he is not able to be reached by phone. I asked him if he would
attend the play at my church. He looked at me and smiled and simply said, “I might
you never know.” At this point I told him that I had a flyer in my car with the name of
my church and other information should his schedule permit him to attend.  As my
husband and I started to leave his presence to go get the flyer out of the care, he
interrupted us by suggesting that he go with his. His suggestion was abrupt. I
thought this was a bit odd, but didn’t give it much thought.

Together the three of us walked out of the store and as we walked toward our car
the man pointed at Michael’s feet and said, “It's there--there is a cut on the sole of
your feet.” He laid hands on my husband’s shoulder and prayed for him.  (The night
before, my husband stepped on a piece of broken glass that left a cut on the sole of
his feet. The cut was so severe we worried that we didn’t go immediately to the
emergency room to have it stitched).

We gave John the flyer and then we got in the car……..wondering and amazed by
what had just happened. We looked at each other and asked—“Who was that?” My
husband commented that the man’s suggestion to accompany us to the car was a
bit abrupt and we wondered why he insisted on going with us. We both reflected on
how it was as if time stood still in Office Max and how we talked for this man who
was supposedly at work for well over an hour with no interruptions from other
employees or customers.

When we got home, my husband noticed the severe cut under the bottom of his feet
was healed with little evidence of a scar ever being there. A few days later we
thought about going back to that store to inquire about the employee named John,
but decided against it because we knew everything we needed to know.  I will
always believe John was my guardian angel sent to provide direction, give me
strength and encouragement to proceed with the production of the play so many
souls could be saved from a burning hell.

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