Orb Pictures                           July 2006                           Back to Ghost Pictures

At Angels & Ghosts, we receive tons of ghost and angel pictures from all over the world, monthly.  The most
common pictures we receive are called "orb" pictures.  We do not claim to be experts on "orb" pictures, as
many disagree as to the significance of them in the ghost hunting community.  Orbs can be caused by
moisture, dust, flash reflection, solar flare and spiritual energy.  Many have videotaped orbs flying around
rooms - some are dust with light reflecting off of it; others are balls of energy that many ghost hunters are
not sure just what they represent.  We do not claim to have the answers, but we seek to present the
evidence we receive and allow our viewers to research and decide on their own.

It is hard to determine exactly the source of an orb for sure...some are downright questionable, thus we
cannot post all orb pictures we receive.  The following pictures have orbs in them, and we are not sure what
caused them.  We could claim them to be dust, but do we really know that?  We just posted these orb pics
together (received from different people), so you could see how orbs appear in photographs of all types...
orb picture
Left: "One day I
invited my best
friends over, Sierra
and Steph.
We decided to play
in the basement with
my camera...but on
one picture we
caught an orb...next
to Sierra and Steph!  
...Stephanie said that
the orb was caused
by the reflection of
light, and when she
pointed to the
window (she was 15
feet away from it), I
snapped a photo.
There was an orb
next to her."  
 - Emily


Charlie VanLoan
captured some orbs
next to Trixie, his dog
one evening.
orb pictures
orb photograph
Above: "I wanted to share this photo of my daughter with her friends
over at her best friend's Aunt's house, here in Dallas, TX. Taylor, my
daughter (the blonde teenager)  states that, "there are times that when
they are over, they can see the ghosts, and feel them, that it tends to
get really chilly in certain spots in the house". Her Aunt lives one street
over from us. There are two orbs in this photo. This photo was taken
with a digital camera."  
- Tammy Rutledge

Below: "It was such a gorgeous night out, the spirits must have wanted
to enjoy the night time cool air also.  Picture taken June 17, 2006."
- Sandie  www.sandiespsychicstones.com
psychic orbs
Below:  "I took these pictures at my friend's house who says there are
a good number of spirits in their house - one pic is of a big orb..."
- Lee Cabe
Above: These photos were taken on Feb 26, 2006 at my friend's 21st
B-Day party...at a private club for Veterans called the AMVETS
(American Veterans).  I could not believe all these little blurbs were on
my photos, I thought to myself what is wrong with my camera.  I have
recently had strange things happen to me which made me decide to
research ghosts/angels.  I am not real sure what these blurbs are, but it
is amazing how many there are.  I do know that a great number of
Veteran members have passed since I have been associated with this
club (20 years).  
 - Jennifer Callahan, Roanoake, VA

Two huge orbs
in front of this
Picture taken
by "King"


orb picture
sent to us by
Kelly Gossett
from Rancho
Left & below:  "There are massive
orbs is the photo and many I am
sure are dust. However, if you click
on the lower orb on the left side of
the window shade you will see the
face of a toddler…Others too in the
photos - Spooky – I have way too
much activity in that room. It was so
cold I grabbed the camera and this
is what I got. "
- Judy Powels
Above far right:  "I have extracted another “face” from the center orb
of the photo ran in July. You can see the woman and if you rotate you
will see a chubby faced man..."  
 - Judy

"My name is Mary
Shoemaker and I am
from Ocean Springs
Mississippi. We live
in a very old house
and have tons of
pictures with orbs.  I
don't know if this
house is haunted but
I do hear and think I
see things all the


"You can see a face
in the...picture, it was
taken at MGM.  Look
at the top of the
 - Kwaziri
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