A Strange Gift                                                             Back to Psychic Reading

This psychic experiences story was sent to us by Becky J. Casula of NSW,

I won't lie, I'm psychic. I can see and hear spirits, voices, see orbs, and many more things that are too
complicated to explain.

A recent move in homes saw us in a place with a creepy man in the bathroom. Every time I am in
there I see a man slip while coming out of the shower, crack his head open on the tap, hit is head on
the base of the medicine cabinet, crack his head on the hand-basin and fall dead to the ground. The
more I see it, the more gory it is. Blood and Brains I refer to it as.

I remember my first psychic experience as though it were yesterday. It was back in 1996 when I was 2
going on 3. I was talking to my already deceased grandmother who died tragically of cancer in 1992.
She told me about a Holden, and until I told my dad about that, he didn't believe that I was talking to

Many psychic experiences have occurred since then, too many to list but:

My dog, Thunder died in 2004. I was sitting near the clothesline and I looked towards where my other
dog was looking, and there was something that looked like Thunder. It was the same size, same
pattern on the eyes. I called his name: "Thunder..." Then, he looked straight at me, as if he was alive

I keep getting these other strange visions, I can't remember how long it's been. Now that I'm 13, I still
get these strange images. The images are of the "Unsinkable" Titanic going down in the middle of the
Atlantic Ocean.

Could I have been on the "Unsinkable" Titanic when it went down????....

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