The Name Jesus

Why I prefer the name Yeshua instead of is where the name Jesus came from.

I have stated that the name 'Jesus' was created by the Christian religion, or that Christianity was created in the name Jesus. But don't allow this to bother you.

Despite what you may have been taught, Jesus was not the real name of the radical, spiritual man whose teachings continue to astound the world.

Where Did the Name Jesus Originate?

The name Jesus and where it came from...I'll try and do as best a job as possible at explaining what I have learned about the origins of Jesus' name. Here goes.

The name Jesus was most likely something closer to 'Yeshua,' an Aramaic or Hebrew name meaning 'salvation.' Sometimes the name Yeshua is translated as 'he saves.'

Yeshua is believed to be a latter form of the Hebrew name 'Yehoshua' which generally means 'to deliver, save or rescue.'

It is believed that when the name Yeshua was transliterated into the Greek language, it became 'Iesous.'

The Greek language does not have a 'y' sound, so the letter 'i' was used to translate the name into Greek. But, that is not the end of the story.

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From the Greek, Iesous was again transliterated into Latin as 'Iesus.' However, in Latin, the 'i' can be either an 'i' or a 'j' with the 'j' pronounced like a 'y.' Confused yet?

And as you might have guessed, from Latin 'Iesus' was once again transliterated into the English language as the name Jesus. In English, we do not pronounce the 'j' as a 'y,' and so that is how it is believed that Yeshua eventually was transformed into the name Jesus.

There is much more explanation in academia as to the evolution of the rest of the name, but my point is that Jesus was not the name of the man, Yeshua. Language translation changed everything. And this is important to know because many Christians are taught to do this or that in the name Jesus as if it contains power.

The Name Jesus Versus The Name Yeshua

Why do I prefer to use Yeshua over the name Jesus? Because the name Jesus has become the battle cry of a religion that was created in that name (Jesus) and not the real message of Yeshua. Today, we understand the name Jesus only as representing the head of an orthodox-created, bookish religion (that Yeshua did not create, by the way).

The name Jesus is sometimes used in the promotion of fearful ideas, separation, wars, politics and even large-scale businesses disguised as possessors of truth. This is the “Jesus Religion” I speak of in the book with the same name.

Meanwhile, the name and message of Yeshua stands uncorrupted and timeless. The real man we call by the name Jesus shared wonderfully-freeing, non-condemning truth. The truth can be found within you. - Louis Charles

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