Two Short Ghost Tales                           Back to Ghost Stories

by Katie Marlow
This I heard from my mum.  She use to work at an old hospital, and there was a porter who
would tell the nurses off for eating on duty. Then one day he had a heart attack and died. She
was reversing out of one of the rooms with a trolley full of biscuit tins (because she was
sorting them out), when she felt a sharp tap on her shoulder, and looked around to see that
no one was there.  She had been in a long corridor and none of the doors were open (most
had been locked).  Some other nurses had seen a woman, all dressed in white walk around
the dorms in the lower ward. What do you think?

I was in my bedroom after just turning my phone and my light off.  I laid down in bed and
started to drift off to sleep.  After a while, I began to dream about a young girl crying at the
end of my bed.  She screamed suddenly and I woke with a start.  As my eyes began to focus,
I saw a vividly realistic, young girl. The same as the one in my dream.  I switched my light on;
saw it ,and then it disappeared...
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