Uncle Johnny Ghost Story                      Back to Ghost Stories

by Erin Delaney
I remember when I had a death in the family.  I was devastated - it was my Uncle Johnny.

I remember the night where my whole family went to his house, and took a few things to
remember him by.  I took some of his shells (he loves the ocean and collects seashells), and I
took his hairbrush and a shirt (I didn’t really see how it helped to remember him by taking his
stuff - the only thing that would help me remember him was...him.)  My mom took these
crystals he had...they were gorgeous.  She brought them to a jeweler, and he cut them and
made them into necklaces for each one of my mom's nieces and nephews.  I wore it all the
time.  I felt protected in some way, when I wore it; no one could hurt me.  It was this mighty
force protecting me from danger.   One night, I couldn’t stop thinking about him, so I held my
necklace that whole night and cleared my mind and only thought about him.  That night, I had
a dream that he was home, and he never died.  I was trying to warn him that he was going to
die (the reason he died was because he was really sick; and the doctors thought he was fine.
I guess they were wrong); but he didn’t listen to me.  He thought of me as a silly child trying to
get attention.  I knew he wasn’t going to believe me, so I just wanted to spend as much time
as I could with him.  Then he disappeared; and I found him in my parent's room sitting on the
bed.  I told him I loved him, and would always feel that way.  He looked like a cloud (well, he
had that look - he looked like himself, but he had that cloud-look, like thin air).  I tried to hug
him, but he was like dust that blew away...and I woke up.  When I  woke up, I looked in my
hand and I saw the crystal.  I always knew there was something special about it, but I just had
to figure it out!

~johnny u are always in my heart alive or deceased.  I hope time flies in heaven, or else u will
have to wait a while b4 u see me! (I hope)

I want everyone to know my story and I want them to know that angels and ghosts are real;
you just have to believe...
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