Angels & Ghosts Special Feature!
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Common mis-spellings for ghosts and angels: angl, gost, gohst, anegl, angal, pic, pikture. Other languages: gast, geister, geist, engel, revenant, ange, fantasma, angelo, grabado, aparicion.
Pictures: bild, bilder, accettazione, dipinto, figure, image, imagen, ingreso. Apy
Dark Shadows Ghost Pictures
Examine ghost pictures of dark shadows...shadow ghosts.
This page has several examples of dark shadows in ghost photos that we have received from different ghost investigators over the past years.

Some ghost hunters refer to this type of paranormal anomaly found in photographs as "black ectoplasm," "shadow ghosts" or even "shadow people," if having a human shape. These pictures show how dark shadows may appear in person or within photos.
Dark Shadows Ghost Pictures
West Virginia Pen Shadow Man
Polly Gear took one of the best shadow ghost photos, and her story is incredible.

Black Ecto Mist in Front of Statue
Dark shadow is in front of this angel statue. Jane didn't see it when taken.

River Dark Shadows
Laura had dark shadows streak downward across the picture. Was this anomaly caused by a ghost?

Diner Dark Shadows
Mexican restaurant has dark shadows that could possibly be ghosts...

House of Dark Shadows
This house has several pictures of dark shadows. Kathy's home has had a history of haunting. Is this proof?
Ghost Photos of Dark Shadows
Banning Dark Shadows
Ectoplasm of dark shadows mixed with white.

Shadow Apparition Photo
Incredible human formed, dark shadow stands behind her in the kitchen!

Helpful Dark Shadows Info
Shadow Ghost Story
An account of how a black shadow figure was not something to be feared, or bad, but watchful.

False Shadow Ghost Pics
How to mistakenly cause shadows in photographs.
What are Dark Shadows?
Dark shadows in ghost pictures usually appear as a black smudge or fog over an image. Some certainly could be caused by a finger or something else over the camera lens (e.g. a camera strap); but many are not. some dark shadows have been witnessed in photos and in person as having a human form, interacting with the living. It has been our theory that shadow people are just that: disembodied human spirits trapped on the earth plane, the darkness being a manifestation of an inner, mental condition - fear. To learn more about this, read Shadow People.

There have been many interesting observations of shadow ghosts (dark shadows or shadow people). They are usually first noticed out of the corner of one's eye, hence this is why some call them moving shadows - they, oftentimes, observe people and move out of visibility. Dark shadows have actually been recorded playing with one another. This has led some ghost investigators to believe they can be children (see Child Ghosts), as well as adults. Some have described shadow ghosts being 6-7 feet tall, at times, with broad shoulders. They have also been known to change form (e.g. donning "horns"), possibly as a way to envoke fear if nefarious in nature. Know that most shadow ghosts, just like humanity, are not ill-natured. They often react with people, perhaps, in an attempt to communicate. We have theorized that perhaps their darkness may be just an indicator of their lack of progression into the light and unto their life it "in darkness," or "lack of understanding of truth" - unaware of where they are, having unfinished business, or afraid to move on.

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