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Angels' Photos!
Angels' Photos
Recently, we received photos that have inspired our viewers that spirits, namely angels,
are interacting with them. Some of the photographs are of cloud formations, while others
are of interesting anomalies and thought-provoking images. Perhaps, all of us should look
more closely for subtle signs or visages that might appear within our daily lives. The angels'
photos may be selected to see them in larger format and to read more of the story!
Jessica's Angel Photos
Jessica's Angel Photo (Left)
What looks like a guardian angel
appeared in the mirror. There was
nothing on the mirror or anything in
the room that could have caused the

"...I am not sure who it could be or if
it's just my daughter's angel. My
six year old daughter took this
picture. I tried taking a picture in
the same spot she did, and there
was nothing in the mirror."
Bahamas Angels Photos
Bahamas Angel Photo? (Right)
Is this anomaly that appeared in Alexandra's
photo an angel or something on the lens?
You decide....

"Taken at an Irish Pub in the Bahamas on
St. Patrick's Day. When I got home and uploaded the pictures from the week onto my
computer, I noticed the strange light on the captain's face that I assumed was from the
flash. However, looking closer, it almost looks like the outline of an angel, you can make
out a head and tips of wings on the top."
St. Joseph's Spirit Photo St. Joseph's Spirit Photo (Left)
Jason's mother was standing in front of a
religious statue when this mist appeared. There
was no smoking allowed in the church, so what
caused the anomaly? Is it spirit presence,
evidence of an angel, maybe? You decide.

"This is a picture of my mother standing in front
of St Joseph's statue at a church in St Meindrad,
Indiana. Notice the obvious. Before you say
anything, we dont smoke in church, nor have we
ever saw anyone ever be disrespectful enough
to smoke in any church. There is something
surrounding my mom."
Sun God Photo
Angel from Above Photo
Angel T-Shirts!
Angel from Above Photo
Barbara captured this picture
from above her in the sky.

"I came out of work and
looked up...there was this
angel. I immediately felt a
sense of calm and I knew that
we were being watched over."
Sun - God Photo (Above)
Pearl was inspired by the sun that
looked different to her in the sky.

"I was standing outside of my
mother's house when I saw an
unusual colorfully glow around
the sun, so I picked up my
cellular phone and took a picture
and this is what appeared on my
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