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Angels Pictures
The following pictures contain images that appear to be angels.  Some of the angels in
pictures are quite striking.  While some of the angelic formations may be explainable,
others are evidence of spirit mist manifesting in the photographs.

We chose to show some striking pictures in the above banner, taken by Sean of the
Philippines.  The angels in pictures were collected together in video (see below) and were
photographed in the Cordillera Mountain region in the northern Philippine Islands.  Peace
Corps volunteer, Julia Campbell was murdered in this region and the angel pictures were
dedicated to her memory.  Sean believes that "God uses the sky as his canvas to form an
angel after a thunderstorm..."
Angels Pictures
Tony sent us an amazing picture of what the family
believes to be an angel caught at Christmas.  It has long
been believed that spirits of family visit us during
celebrations.  The following story and angel picture could
be some good evidence to support that:

"Here is a picture of what I believe is my daughter's
guardian angel.  She said she had seen an angel in her
bedroom on Christmas Eve.  She was only three years
old at the time, so I know she couldn't make this up.  
When the pictures came out, this what we saw."
Diana sent us an intriguing
angel story and picture.  Is it her
mom's presence?

"At work I was teasing a
co-worker about going home to
work in my yard while he was
stuck at work.  My mother loved
spring.  It was her favorite
season.  After her death, I was
not able to go into my yard to
work for that whole season.
Angels Pictures Angel T-Shirts!
This year on Mother's Day, I purchased a fence and decided to bring my yard back to life.  I was taking pictures
with my cell phone to send to my co-worker in order to tease him and found this picture that I had taken.
Charlie sent us some photographs taken at an old farmhouse during
a wedding.  Though he believes them to possibly be ghosts, we tend
to think they are benevolent spirits, what some may call angels
(messengers), or simply spirits of loved ones who are visiting during
such a great celebration.  To us, the capture of a light mist would not
indicate the presence of a negative earthbound spirit:

"I want to show you these pics...I took at an old farm house in the
country (South Australia).  I was drawn to this house, because I saw it
in a dream years earlier and decided to take photos the following
Angels Pictures
Angels Pictures
Angel Pictures See Submit Look at...
Each month Angels & Ghosts publishes pictures of angels sent to us by website
visitors, as well as other major angel photographs that surface on the Internet when

All of the above pictures may be selected to see their larger versions.

It is our hope to educate the public that we are not alone, but are spirits interacting
within a spiritual world.  Have solid evidence?  Send it to us, and we might post it for
others to be able to consider the possibility that there is more to this world than a
physical existence.  As always, however, it is up to the viewer to decide...
Angels & Ghosts!
Angels Pictures  page content Copyright 2009 Angels & Ghosts, LLC