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Angels with Us?
Angels with Us? Seeing is Believing...
Many of us would like to believe that there are angels with us - people in spirit who may
visit, watch over and even communicate with us earthlings. Are there signs that angels are
with us? Some say there are, that we need to pay attention and keep our minds open to
the possibility of visitations from angels -- spirits.

The following angel photos might provide evidence for some that there are angels with us.
Examine each angel picture and read the story behind it by selecting it to view more...
Angels with us? Church Service angel picture...
Angels with Us - Church Service
(above right) Interesting photograph take during a California church's worship shows what's
been called an angelic being flying in their midst during prayer. Is it an angel?
Angels with Us - Valeri
Angels with Us - Valeri's Angel
Mike Valeri of
The Standard Times
captured this phenomenal angel picture
over a decade ago. The angel persona
that inadvertently appeared in the
clouds during the setting sun over
Padanarum Harbor can be purchased
to help needy families during Christmas.

To purchase a copy of this incredible
angel photo, please visit:
Angels with Us - Baby
Angels with Us - Baby
Lera sent us her angel
picture of what she believes
may be a spirit energy
captured in frame, watching
over them:

"At my daughter's home, I
went over to see the new
baby. My daughter took
several pictures, but this is
the only one that turned out
this way. It was the first time
I held the baby."
Angels with Us- Cousin?
Angels with Us - Cousin Nicole (left)
Kathryn Bertolino believes that her cousin, Nicole,
makes her presence known after her passing.

Angels with Us - Guardian Angel (below)
Kara North found this photograph to be quite
unexplainable. Notice how everything is in focus
except the white blur behind them. Angel?
Angel T-Shirts!
Angels with Us - Cousin?
Angel Pictures See Submit Look at...
Each month Angels & Ghosts publishes pictures of angels sent to us by website
visitors, as well as other major angel photographs that surface on the Internet when

All of the above pictures may be selected to see their larger versions.

It is our hope to educate the public that we are not alone, but are spirits interacting
within a spiritual world.  Have solid evidence?  Send it to us, and we might post it for
others to be able to consider the possibility that there is more to this world than a
physical existence.  As always, however, it is up to the viewer to decide...
Angels & Ghosts!
Angel with Us - page content Copyright 2010 Angels & Ghosts, LLC