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Haunted Lighthouses!
Looking to learn about haunted lighthouses?  We have gathered stories of some of
the more famous haunted lighthouses, and added videos about them.  For more haunted
lighthouse tales, be sure and check out our
Haunted Lighthouses section.
Hercules Tower Lighthouse - Is it haunted?
Accounts of
lighthouses have
existed for
hundreds of years.  
The oldest
lighthouse is the
Hercules Tower in
Coruna, Spain.  It  
was built between
98 -117 C.E. and
is pictured at right.
The video at right is part
one of a look at lighthouses
across America that are
reportedly haunted.
Lighthouses included in the
series are the New
England Ledge in
Connecticut; St. Augustine
Lighthouse in Florida; St.
Simons Island Light in
Georgia; Seguin Island
Lighthouse in Maine; Point
Lookout Lighthouse in
Maryland; Plymouth Light in
Massachusetts; and Old
Presque Isle and White
River Light Stations in
Lighthouses are considered
to be isolated and romantic.
Some lighthouses are
possibly haunted due to
tragedies from shipwrecks,
light keeper hazards, and
other tales that have
spawned all sorts of
lighthouse lore.

Part two of the haunted
lighthouses series is at left.
Part three of the haunted
lighthouses documentary is
at right.

Many haunted lighthouses
are open today for ghost
tours.  Some lighthouses
even offer guests the ability
to stay in the guest house!

Some who have stayed at a
haunted lighthouse have
stories to share, such as
seeing a lighthouse keeper,
or former resident of the
keeper's home.  Could they
still be present in some
form after their death?
Could light house keepers
sometimes remain behind
to make sure no tragedies
occur at sea?  Perhaps the
worst fear of a lighthouse
keeper, a ship wrecked
upon rocks, is why some
lighthouses continue to be
haunted by their former
keepers.  Lights turning on,
movement of objects,
disembodied voices, and
see-through spectres are
often reported within, or
around older lighthouses.

The haunted lighthouses
documentary continues with
part four at left.
At right is the last segment
of the series about  
haunted lighthouses.  We
hope you enjoyed watching
the ghostly accounts and
consider visiting a
lighthouse sometime in the
future.  If their walls could
talk, they would share
many stories from the past.
Perhaps, one day more
stories of haunted
lighthouses will come to
light, as their tales seem to
never end.  Modern-day
tragedies still occur, and
so do the ghosts that
eventually haunt them...
Angels & Ghosts!
Haunted Lighthouses Videos and Stories Copyright 2009 Angels & Ghosts, LLC