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Learn about ITC - Instrumental Transcommunication methods and practices.


Instrumental Transcommunication
is the use of electronic devices in order to make audio or video contact with the spirit realm.  With modern day equipment, recordings of spirits and ghosts are captured in sound and image!

ITC Devices & their
The Ghost Box


ITC Ghost Photos
ITC Ghost Pictures

More on ITC:
Ghosts in Audio ITC
A Brief History of ITC

Ghost TEES!

Free Psychic Reading

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Spiricom Test Video

Water Method ITC

Water Method ITC Pic

Water Method ITC Pics

Various Techniques of Capturing Instrumental Transcommunication
Ghost Images

Famous ITC Experimenters:
Thomas Edison
Nikola Tesla
What is Instrumental Transcommunication?

ITC, also known as Instrumental Transcommunication, is the use of electronic devices such as radios, televisions, computers, audio recorders, telephones, ghost boxes and more in an attempt to communicate with spirits and ghosts. One might say it is the more modern version of ancient techniques known as scrying. Electronic devices that can receive video and/or audio are used to try to receive and record spirit messages from beyond the grave.

We will try and explain different types of Instrumental Transcommunication devices and their uses, as well as report our findings with respect to ITC experiments and methods.  Instrumental Transcommunication is exciting and evolving as technology continues to improve.  With any form of ITC experiment, the following are some suggestion to achieve good results:

1)       For ITC experiments, be in a good frame of mind that is positive, open and fearless. Maintain this mind throughout the ITC experiment.

2)       Anticipate the times of ITC contact, even announcing to the spirit world when and where it shall take place.  If possible, set a prescribed time to practice contact regularly, so those on the other side also anticipate your contact attempts.

3)       Some people use different methods to enter into a spiritual mind-set before the ITC session, such as candles, incense, meditation, etc.  The more one “detaches” from the outer world and focuses on the inner, the more one is open to spirit messages, whether through an electronic device or not.

4)       Many believe that protection is necessary, such as by visualizing one’s self full of white light, calling upon angels or spirit guides for protection, and by not being afraid.  Also it should be noted that drugs and/or alcohol should not be used by the person wishing to make contact with the spirit realm for many reasons.

5)       Do not give up on ITC or be discouraged by results.  Often times, ITC will require many attempts to make contact.  Experiment and stay in a positive mind-set.

6)       Some believe having a photograph or object of the person that one wishes to contact as helpful, especially if the person in spirit is concentrated upon with positive thoughts.

7)       With any ITC experiment a simple audio recorder should be used either as the primary electronic device or as accompaniment.  Record everything and take good notes on all that happens: all that is sensed, all that is heard and all that is seen. Later, the review of the audio recordings could prove very surprising.

8)       Experiment with different ITC techniques until you find what works for you.  Then work to become proficient with the ITC technique you have found successful.  You may find it best to begin with EVP (electronic voice phenomena).  EVP recording is the capture of typically inaudible spirit or ghost voices on an audio recorder, but heard during analysis (playback).  Electronic Voice Phenomena is usually only faint, short phrases or words.  ITC takes this a step further, usually with longer phrases, two-way communication, visual imagery and more.

Instrumental Transcommunication:  What might it be like on the other side?

What happens when one dies?  Most NDEs (Near Death Experiences) have a common thread in what occurs.  First most survivors of near death describe a loving, peaceful white light, sometimes described as a “tunnel of light.”  Secondly, they also describe loved ones, friends, messengers or guides who help them transition into the white light.  Thirdly, if the white light is entered into, the person will then proceed unto a “life review” that is a cleansing process.  These descriptions of a positive death experience are important for the ITC research to understand, as there are two types of entities that can be contacted through Instrumental Transcommunication: spirits and ghosts.  We shall use the term spirits to describe those who have entered and/or come from the light unto the earthly realm to visit, assist or communicate. Ghosts, on the other hand, are spirits that have not gone unto the light for a variety of reasons, but have remained as earthbound spirits.  It is important to understand that no matter how good a ghost’s intentions are it is still “unclean,” lost and in need of entering into the light for love, peace, joy and life-direction.  This condition can best be described as “darkness;” the absence of light.  This darkness can be negative at times depending on the ghost, and is really a condition of being lost.  The earthbound spirit is the same physically and mentally as when physically in body on earth.  The light has not yet healed and transformed the person, thus they are truly in a temporary hell, for lack of a better term. Read more at How to get rid of ghosts.

When performing ITC experiments, it then becomes necessary to determine who one is in contact with.  Often times, ITC devices will have a spirit from the light make contact to first operate as a guide, operator or what’s best called the “control.”  Through this “control,” other spirits or ghosts can be brought forth for communication by the experienced ITC communicator.

It is also important to understand that spirits and ghosts most likely communicate through thoughts – telepathy as the preferred way of communicating.  The thinking of thoughts most likely cannot be hidden in the realm of spirit. Thoughts are spirit – energy.  Different forms of ITC are just methods at physically tuning into the thoughts of those around us in spirit.  If we could pull back the curtain that seemingly separates us from the invisible world, we might be shocked to find that we are probably hearing and being influenced regularly by the thoughts of spirits and ghosts on the other side of the veil.  Shockingly, we are probably not that adept at separating our own thoughts from the thoughts of others, thus even claiming some of them as our own. There are positive and negative thoughts.

The idea of thoughts for communication alone in the spirit world, brings up other ideas concerning spirits.  Do ghosts and spirits of similar condition hang around each other…call it the law of attraction?  Are ghosts and spirits of similar interests and condition as those of us here in physical bodies also attracted to one another?  Could it be that through ITC devices that the consciousnesses of all communicators (spirits, ghosts, humans in-body) meet?  If so, then the ITC practitioner could be making contact with those of similar condition, intention, purpose and consciousness.



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