Kristy's Ghost Photos                  Back to Ghost Pictures

Kristy sent us some nice ghost pictures...

"My name is Kristy...I live in Rio Rancho, NM and we were looking through some
pictures and saw these freaky things...we have no clue if they are the real deal or not,
but they sure do look weird.  I hope you can use them"
"We have no idea what this is on the left hand side,
but it is a little freaky to us. That is my little girl -
maybe that is her guardian I don't know."
psychic reader
"These we think are the real thing. We were
camping in the woods. And they came in clear as
day, when we developed the pictures."
"This one, we
are not sure
of... but, it
looks a little
freaky -
especially by
his hand (that
is not part of
his blanket).
This was the
same camping
trip as the one
"This orb appears in a lot of pictures with
my husband.  We think it is the real deal..."
All images are the property of the submitter and website
content is the property of Angels & Ghosts, LLC  

Copyright 2004-2005