Near Death Experiences: 6wings & 6wings2  
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Part Nine:

I was killed in a lone auto accident. I wrapped my car around a telephone pole at 90+ mph, not
intentionally. The road followed three sets of train tracks, and I had just crossed over the train bridge and
was going down a hill with an abrupt turn at the bottom. I remember turning and straightening out and that's
all. After the impact, I was conscious; my head hurt, I was not wearing a seatbelt and had flown into the
corner of the roof post and the windshield on the passenger side. I felt my head and it was bleeding
profusely. I remember saying " oh s***" and opened the drivers door and fell out of the car. The next thing I
remember, I was standing next to my body; the pain was gone, in fact I felt pretty good - I knew I had died
at that moment and felt sadness for a time that my life was over. I thought of my parents, family and
friends, and...uh oh...what have I done here? I knew this was it; then I wondered what happens next? I
started to hear a low pitched hum and it grew louder and louder, I began to float over the scene of the
wreck and then over my body as if to say goodbye to myself, "it is almost time to go on." I didn't think to
'go' to my parents or anyone at the time, which now seems odd to me, almost selfish, because I was very
close to them all. I was enamored with wonderment at my 'situation'. I felt strangely at peace with the
entire scene before me. Then I felt pulled, rapidly from the scene as if I were being lifted up backwards and
began to enter into a tornado-like tunnel. The humming sound was very loud now and I was travelling very
fast for a long time. I remember wanting to stop because I could feel every atom of my being strained to its
limit; I felt like I was being torn to shreds by the velocity. I saw a bright light and slowly, slowed down and
"landed" on the top of a grassy hill. I was standing there and thought to myself, " I must be dead." I heard a
voice in my chest and in my head reply, "You are." I was also aware of someone behind me, though I didn't
turn around. I looked out from my vantage point and saw a pulsating orb to my left. Kind of like our sun, but
closer and with a white/golden color. Beams of light were emanating forth slightly and returning to it. I
looked forward and could see a valley, surrounded by mountains with millions of people in this valley
dancing, singing and raising their arms in praise. They were bathed in the light of this orb. I was asking
questions and they were being answered immediately; telepathically. Then I felt a hand on my back gently
but forcefully "leading" me toward the valley. As we approached the valley, I noticed these clay-like figures
surrounding the "worshippers", they were hideous, tall, and their eyes staring blindly forward. They seemed
'wrapped in darkness', stoic, and lifeless. Each one was about eight feet apart and formed a gruesome
'fence' about the valley, they all faced away from it. I looked through into the valley between them and saw
a woman, (whose daughter I met four years later, a friend I had yet to make on Earth, Her mom ) singing
and clapping and praising God for all she was worth. She looked at me as if to say "Praise Him and do it
now!!!. I was led up to one of these figures and I instinctively repulsed, but to no avail. The 'leading' put me
face to face with this cold clammy being and my hair stood up on end like I had just put my finger into an
electrical outlet. I had seen myself and knew I belonged inside this self-entity. Yet I couldn't accept it; I
screamed in sheer terror, "Jesus !!!" I turned to my left and saw Him there. I jumped into Him, wrapping my
arms and legs around His body and squeezed Him, and wouldn't let go. He comforted me and carried me
to a place of peace and asked if I wanted to go back to my life and right the wrongs I had been doing. I
must have agreed to, because all of the sudden, I was back over the scene of the wreck and there were all
the lights flashing from the police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks. My body was surrounded with
paramedics and their equipment. A crowd had gathered across the roadway. I heard them say, "give up,
he's gone." And one paramedic said, "I'll give it one more try." They hit me with the paddles again, and I
remember thinking, "I really don't want to return;" but I knew I had to, if I wanted to get things righted. I "put
on my body" as you would put on a set of clothes. I sat and stretched into each leg, laid back, and
enveloped myself back into my body. I had no more conscious memory, until I awoke in the hospital the
next afternoon. I had two large deep gashes to the right side of my head, narrowly missing my eye.
Nothing broken. No brain damage (contrary to some opinions). No organ damage from loss of blood. I
spent almost two days in the hospital, and the doctor said I could go home if I could get up and walk
across the room. I ran, and am still running to this day. I wore an eye-patch for a few weeks, and bandages
over my wounds until they were fully healed (as my eye stretched white due to the swelling). I still am
blessed with 20/20 vision. 'Miracle' upon 'miracle' has been given to me and I am thankful for them all.

I told my family about my experience (Catholicism ruled) and they just laughed and said it was probably a
dream (unable or unwilling to comprehend); and between themselves said, " He must have suffered brain
damage." My senses were heightened (especially hearing). And I had developed a capacity for healing and
clairvoyance where I could literally tell you what the next day's, paper's headline would read. I was different
after this experience and my family knew it. They did everything possible to thwart my progression
spiritually and mentally. I broke free completely from the catholic church and began my "investigation " of
my spiritual development in many different churches: Lutheran (that went over big with my family),
methodist, baptist, pentacostal, etc...couldn't find the answers I needed. I tried everything and ended up
discouraged, until I really started seeking God outside of the 'religious atmospheres'. I would simply take
walks alone in the woods and commune with Him one on one, receiving the truth and applying it where
possible. I was still "on the fence" dealing with my family of origin, and confused religious upbringing. I
abused drugs and alcohol to cope with their onslaught of dysfunctional abuses. I somehow got it into my
head that I was to somehow save them and this was my purpose. I finally allowed myself to break free of
them completely after meeting my wife (6wings). At first it was a struggle; a war that is still being
skirmished, not by us but by them. They want me back in the "family" only as what I realize I was to them:
a scapegoat. They have used my "gifts" to abuse me with them. I am empathetic and have an enormous
capacity to love, having been quite literally, in the arms of "Love" itself. They are like ravenous wolves, and
if I laughed or showed joy, it was immediately rejected, and harshly. I love them dearly, but I cannot be with
them. I understand how powerful family is and the great importance placed on it, as blood is thicker than
water. But it occurred to me after much seeking with God, that it takes a heart to pump the blood. I began
to understand the teaching of Jesus in Matt. 10:34-40 (that religion has never adequately defined for me). I
discovered that I could not follow Jesus and my family. I discovered that when I made my decision to
separate myself from them, my walk with Jesus toward the Father, opened up and has continued to grow
stronger. They wanted to control me like religion.

My hope is that I have not caused anyone offence with this writing. I have yet to tap the fullness of my
experience as I am still trying to integrate it into my life. Many times in meditation, much more about my
encounter is revealed. It is real difficult to express in words, the messages and feelings revealed. But I
promise to do all I am able to do; to be clear and concise as I progress.

May God's love and peace dwell in your hearts.

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