Near Death Experiences: Andie's NDE  
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My NDE  
by Andy Hurst

My life changed, as I nearly died after being knocked over by a double decker bus. I was unconscious for
over a year.  When I did wake up, I didn't know where I;was, all I could see were monitors and a "bleeping"
machine.  Everything was like a whirlwind, and I started to shout, "Where am I?!"  My left leg was hurting,
so I couldn't move.  A strange lady talked to me, and told me what had happened and where I was; but it
seemed like it was the day
after the day I died everything had changed.  Even my Granddad died in the
space of time I was unconscious - I didn't even get to say goodbye.

I was in the hospital for over three months, then I was sent home.  As I lay in my bed, I went all hot and
fuzzy and started to see whirlwinds of people, as if my head was spinning around!  I fainted and re-awoke
quite quickly to find when I looked in the mirror, my face was bright red and there was a white cross on
my left cheek. The week after that, I was sitting on the bank with my friends eating my lunch, and we were
talking about ghosts and our experiences.  My friend spotted the white cross on my face, again!

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