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What are ghosts? What are ghosts made of? Plasma? Neutrinos?
What are ghosts? What are ghosts made of?

For thousands of years, sightings of spirits have caused people to ask the question, “What
are ghosts?” Knowing that interactive ghosts are the disembodied spirits of people and
animals, the question remains,
“What are ghosts made of?”

Ghosts must be made up of energy; that we do know. Spirits have sometimes been
reported by some as glowing, emitting their own light source. This has caused some to
wonder if ghosts could be comprised of the basic unit of light, called photons. Photons,
however, do not carry an electrical charge but are known to emit different energy forms
(infrared light, gamma rays, etc). Many forms of electromagnetic waves, such as gamma
and radio waves, can pass through solid objects where visible light struggles to do so due
to wavelength and frequency. Different wavelengths of photons are actually what allows us
to see matter in the visible spectrum. The waves bounce off of atoms, visible light
interacting with many solid things.
Since atoms make up the physical world,
ghosts, which are capable of passing through
solid objects such as walls, must be made of
something smaller than atoms. Neutrinos,
also called “ghost particles,” are indeed
smaller than atoms and are known by
scientists to be able to pass through objects.
Initially, one might think that ghosts might be
fashioned out of neutrinos. The problem with
ghosts being neutrinos is that neutrinos, like
photons, do not carry any electrical charge. If
neutrinos carried an electrical charge, atoms
would repel them.
Because atoms are surrounded by electrons, solid items (matter, comprised of atoms)
bounce off of one another. If ghosts can be detected by EMF meters and are capable of
disrupting electronic devices, then it would make sense that they possibly carry an
electrical charge. This is what troubles both scientists and ghost investigators. What, then,
are ghosts?

It has also been theorized that ghosts could be made up of plasma. Plasma is the fourth
state of matter beyond a solid, liquid or gas. It is comprised of charged particles called
ions and electrons. Plasma is a collection of atoms which have absorbed so much energy
that the electrons have separated from their nuclei. It is an ionized gas, highly energized,
and the most common state of matter in the universe. Neon lights are an example of
plasma that is created by energizing gas, within a sealed glass tube, until it glows. What is
encouraging about ghosts possibly being a form of plasma is that there are many types of
plasma which exhibit different characteristics. In other words, there is a chance that ghosts
could be a yet to be understood form of plasma.

One could make a strong argument for ghosts being comprised of plasma bodies,
because like ghosts, plasma generates electromagnetic fields. It even conducts electricity
and radiates electromagnetic waves. We know that plasma can emit light, as the sun and
stars are plasma bodies that do so. The shape of the sun as a glowing orb might reveal
the natural shape of plasma. Interestingly, some orbs that are thought to be of ghosts and
spirits, are also round and emit their own light source.

Several years ago, Joshua P. Warren of
LEMUR discovered that ghost lights (glowing
balls of light) seen on
Brown Mountain were actually luminous plasma orbs created by
electrical discharges created during rainstorms. The
LEMUR team was able to prove this
in a lab environment. Their finding demonstrates that plasma balls of light can manifest in
the natural environment, appearing and disappearing just like ghosts.

If a plasma were of a lower density, it could be capable of slipping through walls. In
example, scientists are aware of dark matter, also called “collision-less plasma,” that is an
invisible, physical substance that has the ability to pass through other matter like itself.
Could ghosts be made of something similar?

What about ghosts becoming visible, then disappearing? It's been noted that magnetic
plasma can become translucent or transparent, depending upon its frequency. The lower
the frequency, the more translucent and visible the plasma will become to the human eye.
In similarity, the opacity of a see-through specter would fluctuate just like eye-witness
reports, the ghost being able to appear and vanish right before one's eyes. Even more
intriguing, perhaps the frame of mind of a disembodied spirit could change the frequency
of the plasma body, making the apparition appear  from dark to light!

As of this writing, no one knows what ghosts are made of. Theories abound. It is possible
that ghosts are made up of undiscovered  particles. We'll have to wait and see...
NASA Plasma Engine
Angels & Ghosts!
What Are Ghosts? Copyright 2010 Angels & Ghosts, LLC