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Common mis-spellings for ghosts and angels: angl, gost, gohst, anegl, angal, pic, pikture. Other languages: gast, geister, geist, engel, revenant, ange, fantasma, angelo, grabado, aparicion.
Pictures: bild, bilder, accettazione, dipinto, figure, image, imagen, ingreso. Apy
How to Ghost Hunt
Learn How to Hunt for Ghosts!

To learn how to ghost hunt, we believe it is first important to answer the question, why? Why do you want to hunt for ghosts? There should be a good reason to endeavor into ghost hunting before embarking upon the journey. Are you wanting to know if ghosts are real? Do you wish to study ghost behavior? Are you wanting to help ghosts move beyond this world and solve cases of haunting? If so, we'll provide some ghost hunting tips. But you should weigh the costs if your passion to ghost hunt is only for the thrill of it. We believe ghost hunters should explore, learn, grow and help others – including the ghosts themselves.
What Does it Mean to Ghost Hunt?
Ghost Hunting is to hunt for ghosts at a location that may or may not be haunted. Typically, most people ghost hunt in locations that they suspect might have a haunting. While Ghost Investigation is the art of investigating a known haunting for one or more purposes, such as proving the haunting exists, seeking to learn more about the ghost and its behavior or to solve the haunting in order to bring it to an end.

Types of Ghosts Found During a Ghost Hunt
Residual Haunt – An energy imprint upon the environment that replays over and over. This type of haunting is typically non-responsive and is the reviewing of a prior event years later. More on Hauntings.

Intelligent Haunt – Encountering the soul of a person who is interactive. The ghost may be very interactive and will be like they were when still alive in body. The reasons can vary why ghosts remain behind with the living. Ghosts are people, and like you, the motivations behind human behavior widely vary. Most ghosts are not ill-willed or nefarious; but some are not something you want to deal with. For more on solving cases of haunting, read How to Get Rid of Ghosts.

Evil Ghosts – Occasionally, it is possible to run across an evil ghost during a ghost hunt. When this occurs, we recommend not dealing with such dark entities without experience. They are disembodied human spirits (not demons) who behave very badly. If encountered, they typically have the ability to alter their appearance, invoking fear. Ghost hunters may be scratched, pushed, swore at or even followed home. Never fear but never challenge such a ghost, as it may not end well. We recommend the book, Helping Ghosts for how to deal with ghosts during the hunt.

Demons – Although there are malicious entities, we do not believe there is such a thing as the demonic. We have studied and written extensively on this subject. Learn more: Demons.

Where to Ghost Hunt:
Ghosts can be found anywhere, but there are some locations that seem to be more active such as hospitals, churches, schools, libraries, places of tragedy or historic significance, battlefields, theaters, graveyards, funeral homes and more. Another way to find local legend of haunting is to visit a Ghost Tour. You'll be able to catch up on all the ghost gossip. You might also visit some old Haunted Hotels. If you are still looking for a noted or famous place to ghost hunt, then we suggest looking at our list of Haunted Places.

Research Before You Ghost Hunt
If you are about to explore a historic site, then take some time and learn about its history before hunting for ghosts. It's a great idea to have some basic understanding of who lived or worked at the location, what occurred there (any tragedies) as well as the lore about any possible ghost sightings or experiences. Always make sure you have permission to be on the grounds you want to ghost hunt. If you want to ghost hunt a haunted residence to help the occupants, we recommend taking the time to interview them, taking notes of all paranormal activities the family has experienced. Allow them to walk you through the home, while explaining what possible ghost activity has occurred. Learn your ghost hunt site and seek out natural explanations for the occurrences before investigating.

When to Ghost Hunt
Taking note of when the haunting seems to be active according to previous sightings, it may be a great idea to align your date and time for the ghost hunt, accordingly. We also recommend paying attention to full or new moons and any rise in geomagnetic activity to help select the optimum ghost hunt time. See Best Times for Ghost Hunting.

Who to Ghost Hunt With
Whether you are a seasoned veteran or new and learning how to ghost hunt, we recommend always investigating with a team. Your ghost hunt team may be as small as two people but can include many more. You will need someone to take notes of all experiences as well as people to run equipment. If possible, you might want to invite a psychic medium, especially if working a case of haunting that you want to help resolve.

Equipment for Your Ghost Hunt
The basics to bring include flashlights, extra batteries, a watch and some form of communication device such as a phone or walkie-talkie. How to ghost hunt can depend widely on whether or not you have access to ghost hunting equipment. Some investigators prefer older style ghost hunt devices such as a mercury thermometer, hand-held compass and a barometer to measure changes in temperature, magnetic fields and pressure. Newer ghost hunters love electronic devices such as cameras, camcorders, digital thermometers, audio recorders, EMF detectors and motion detectors. Beyond this list of equipment, there are many more devices that may be used during ghost hunts. You can learn more about ghost hunting equipment at the Angels & Ghosts Ghost Hunting Store.

How To Ghost Hunt
After arrival at the location, take some time to set-up equipment to monitor areas with the highest potential for paranormal activity. Devise a plan for different members to spend time in different locations for the collection of possible ghost evidence using several methods (e.g. video, photo, audio). Work with patience, being respectful and compassionate; try to avoid whispering and any excess chatter. Speak openly out loud with ghosts, letting them know who you are and why you are there. Ask questions. If you can get the ghost to interact, you will have a better chance at collecting evidence that the haunting is true; and you just may be able to help the ghost resolve any life issues. Remember, that ghosts are people, so treat them like you would another person. Learn to control fear at all times, remaining strong; fear will embellish events and also open one up to being manipulated by others (ghosts included). When ghost investigating, it's important to immerse one's self into the environment, maintaining an open mind, listening to what you perceive internally. Note the exact time of any ghost activity, evidence collected and each personal experience.

The best way to ghost hunt is to work the haunting like a puzzle. Collect all evidence captured by equipment and combine it with experiences and impressions that took place during the ghost hunt. Further combine the evidence and experiences with the research you did prior to the investigation. Did a picture emerge of what may be happening? Do you have a good idea of the ghost or ghosts that are haunting the location and why? If so, it may be time to communicate with the ghost further in order to help resolve any unfinished business or assist in reuniting the ghost with loved ones who are in spirit and waiting for him or her to join them on the journey.

Ghost Hunt How-to: EMF Meters
You'll use your EMF meter to detect changes in electromagnetic frequencies. So to do that, you will need to walk the entire location before investigating in order to take benchmark readings while noting any hot spots that may be there from electrical appliances, wiring, etc. To get an idea of how your EMF meter works, take it near an appliance and or electrical outlet, and you should see the meter rise. If you have stayed clear of explainable EMF, then any movement of EMF readings, spikes or fluctuations, etc might indicate ghost activity during your ghost investigation.

Ghost Hunt How-to: Thermometers
Thermometers can be used to detect changes in a room's temperature. Like using an EMF meter, it is good to take some benchmark readings at the start of the investigation. If there is suspected paranormal activity, keep an eye on your thermometer and note any changes. Take note of cold spots, especially. If you have an IR thermometer, it is going to read the surface temperature of the area it is pointed at, such as a wall. If there is a drop in temperature (or increase) between you and the wall, then you have something that could be paranormal (but verify that the wall is not cold). An ambient air thermometer will measure the temperature right where it is sat and can be used to monitor a noted spot during the ghost hunt.

Ghost Hunt How-to: Photography
We recommend the use of digital cameras because they allow for quick analysis and what would seem like an unlimited amount of photos that can be taken during the ghost hunt. When taking photos, remove the camera strap and try not to use the camera's flash unit. If the flash is used, be aware of how your camera records flash anomalies such as reflection, dust, lint, etc.; and do not use the night time camera setting which will lengthen the exposure and produce light bars, false apparitions and orange haze. Be aware that if the weather is cold, your breath will be visible by the camera (hold it while snapping photos). Also, do not take pictures directly into light as it will produce lens flare. To learn more, explore our article, Ghosts Camera and Ghost Hunting Camera. Also visit our Ghost Pictures page for more on ghost photography.

Ghost Hunt How-to: Videography
We prefer that camcorders, video camcorders, be mounted on a tripod or sat stationary so that any changes in the video can be quickly noticed while reviewing video files recorded during your ghost hunt. In addition, equipping investigators with video cameras or helmet cams is another way to possibly capture additional paranormal activity, validate personal experiences or verify audio and video clips recorded by other devices.

Ghost Hunt How-to: Audio Recording
When recording ghost voices, it is best to ask questions and allow time for a response. You may lay the audio recorder down to help eliminate noise created by movement of the recorder. Ask open-ended questions in lieu of closed-ended questions that only require a Yes or No answer (otherwise, ambient noise may sound like a response.) What is your name? Why are you here? How long have you lived here? What can we do for you? If you forget and whisper, hear a sound that is explainable, or if you make a noise such as a cough, “tag” it by audibly announcing what the sound was (that was a train passing by, I accidentally whispered, etc). This will later allow you to know of any sounds created by investigators. You may also elect to leave an audio recorder in an empty room, returning later to see what you recorded. For more EVP how-tos, visit our Ghost EVP page.

Ghost Hunt Definitions
The following are some ghost hunting definitions to catch you up to speed with what may be encountered while learning how to ghost hunt:

Amulet A piece of jewelry believed to have special powers to ward off evil.
Anomaly Something found on a picture, photograph, video or voice recording that has no explainable source.
Apparition A spirit that is in human form and usually visible to the naked eye or may appear in a photo undetected originally by the naked eye. Often this anomaly is dressed in period clothing. Very hard to capture on film but many have reported seeing this type of ghost. This is the "Hollywood Type" ghost featured in many movies.
Baby Monitors Using audio monitors while ghost hunting can help detect ghost voices.
Cameras Paranormal investigators use both digital and 35mm cameras. Digital cameras are great because they give instant results and are cheaper to use than film models.
Charms Jewelry worn by some ghost hunters because of the belief in its special powers to repel evil.
Crystal Ball Used by some mediums who are usually in contact with ghosts or spirit helpers.
Dowsing Rods Two rods held out in front of one which cross when paranormal activity is present. For years, dowsing rods have been used to find water for wells, and burial sites. They are an inexpensive tool for those sensitive enough to use them (about 80% are!), to help detect areas of paranormal activity for confirmation with photos and other detection devices.
Ectoplasm The term used for a smoke-like or fog looking mist that appears in photos but was not discernible by the human eye. This phenomena has been captured in the midst of large groups of people, as well.
EMF Meter A meter for measuring electromagnetic fields. Spirits have been found to interrupt or even create their own electromagnetic fields. Compasses can also be used to detect changes in EMFs. A spike on the EMF meter could represent spirit activity and is an excellent tool of the paranormal investigator to locate areas to study and collaborate evidence of the presence of ghosts.
Energy Lights These show up on photos as colored lights during some manifestations of hauntings. They usually are not visible to the naked eye and can appear in different colors such as red, orange or green. See ghost light.
EVP "Electronic Voice Phenomenon" is the recording of audio; and although no voices were heard at the time of the recording, unexplained voices may be discovered during playback of the audio recording. Both digital recorder and traditional tape recorders may be used, sometimes, with an external microphone.
Intelligent Haunting When spirits dwell in a specific area and demonstrate an interaction with those here in the physical realm.
Kinetic Energy Description for the movement of objects by a ghost. A physical manifestation of an unseen force which may move, throw or even destroy objects. These ghosts are known as "Poltergeists" (German for "noisy ghost").
Orb Orbs are believed to be energy or the spirit and soul of individuals, which show up as circles or balls of light in photos - varying in size, color and opacity. I personally believe them to be departed spirits whose soul is "enlightened," hence they are seen as "light." The whiter or brighter the light, the more truth is known by them. As a side note, it is important to know that dust, rain or snow directly in front of the camera can also appear to be orbs in a photograph.
Motion Sensors and Detectors Some paranormal investigators use motion detectors to watch for unseen object or infrared (heat) movement.
Plasma/Plasmoid Moving orbs caught during the time of camera exposure. Orbs have also been filmed moving, on video. In photos, they appear as streaking light or as an orb with a tail showing the path of motion. These are also known as "supercharged orbs" in motion. Also see What are Ghosts?
Poltergeist German for "noisy ghost." These ghosts manifest in the physical enough to produce sounds and the movement of objects. See Kinetic Energy.
Residual Haunting When a spirit is seen doing the same thing over and over, many believe this to always be an energy imprint or residual haunting. In other words, a strong, dramatic event that occurred in some other time, repeating itself over and over. Usually these spirits do not interact with those who see them. We feel this could also, sometimes, be a state of mind in "hell;" being trapped by one's own mind in darkness or lack of understanding by reliving an event perhaps through fear, guilt or condemnation until that spirit finds truth and freedom.
Shadow People / Dark Shadows Unexplainable dark shadows in photos and video which sometimes may be seen with the naked eye. Many believe these to be demons, but I believe they are departed spirits who are in darkness currently. In other words, the state of their soul is visible as darkness instead of light. That is not to say they are bad people, but simply people who are void of truth or bound by untruths.
Talisman Something that produces extraordinary effects, especially in averting or repelling evil.
Thermal Scanners/Thermometers Used to detect cold or hot spots which can indicate paranormal activity. See Ghost Equipment of Old.
Vortex or Vortices A long streak across a photo that may be caused by a very high-speeding "orb;" some believe vortices are a gateway between both realms (physical and spirit realms). They are usually white in color and may appear as a funnel-shape. Camera straps, human hair, a tree branch, etc., right in front of the camera lens during exposure have been notoriously mistaken for a vortex. It is important to make sure anything that may interfere with your photo is removed from within the front of the camera.

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