Photo Album Ghost Picture

A ghost-like anomaly appears above two people looking at a photo album of family members...

"Took this picture with my cell phone. Took another immediately after and it was gone. My wife and family friend were looking at photo's of his children. Maybe his deceased dad wanting to take a look??" - mtchbx123

Photo Analysis
At first look, the photo appears to be scanned when looking at the horizontal and vertical lines; but we believe it was not scanned. Crossing lines, like this, are sometimes seen in photographs taken with cheaper point-and-shoot camera sensors. So, we ran the ghost photo through our pixel analysis, and it appears the photo was not manipulated. We could not detect any disruption of the pixels where the anomaly appears. We believe that the method in which the photo was initally saved to a computer from the camera erased any exif data that might have told us more.

The top of the 'ghost' appears to have a ball of light that is moving upward, similar to typical orb photos that show movement. This could indicate the presence of light reflection off of particulate near the lens or even reflective surfaces, such as the table, but we cannot say for sure. Although similar to orb photos, this capture is distinctly different from most orb pictures we see and possibly could be 'paranormal.'