Angels & Ghosts: Famous Ghost Pictures!
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Common mis-spellings for ghosts and angels: angl, gost, gohst, anegl, angal, pic, pikture. Other languages: gast, geister, geist, engel, revenant, ange, fantasma, angelo, grabado, aparicion.
Pictures: bild, bilder, accettazione, dipinto, figure, image, imagen, ingreso. Apy
Famous Ghost Pictures & Photos
Welcome to our collection of famous ghost pictures & ghost photos.

This page contains special ghost pictures, those that have been made famous because of how spectacular they appear, as well as for having compelling stories. Most all of them have endured intense scrutiny over decades. You, too, will be intrigued by their history and, of course, the striking images of ghosts they supposedly reveal.

So, entertain yourself with the following famous ghost pictures - some of the best and most famous ghost photos ever captured. By doing so, you just may become a believer in ghosts!
Brown Lady Ghost Picture
Famous ghost apparition descending some stairs appeared in a 1936 photo!
Famous Ghost Photos Gallery
Ghost In a Car Photo
Famous ghost photo of his mother-in-law behind him!
Moundsville Shadow Man
Ghost photo made famous by SyFy's Ghost Hunters.
Also: Shadow Man
1891 Apparition Photo
Famous apparition of a male ghost sitting in a chair. (Also, see pic below)
Baby Over Grave Ghost
1947 famous ghost photo defies explanation.
SS Watertown Ghosts
The heads of drowned seamen seen beside the famous ship.
Burning Building Girl
Famous ghost picture recently proven a fake.
Man in Castle Ghost
Ghost photo of a man in an ancient castle window.
Myrtles Plantation
Famous haunted southern home has a female ghost.
1918 Hospital Apparition
Famous ghost picture of spirit mist or apparition?
Famous Abbey Monk
Ghost Picture of an old vicar...
Shadow Monk Ghost Photo
Ominous black shadow in this famous ghost photo.
Civil War Ghost Picture
Soldier from the 1800s ascends basement steps.
Angel or Ghost Picture
Photographer had an angel or maybe a ghost appear in front of the lens.
Hampton Ghost Pic
Scary hooded ghost figure appeared on castle camera after haunting.
Ghost Monk Picture
Reverend Lord snapped this famous ghost picture in a church.
WWI Ghost Picture
Famous picture of an airman's ghost appearing behind his buddies will haunt you!
Toys R Us Ghost Pic
This ghost became famous from a TV investigation, including Sylvia Brown.
Tulip Staircase Ghost
Captured by a reverend in an English maritime museum.
Bachelor's Grove Photo
Famously haunted cemetery and one of its ghosts.
Lord Combermere
A second page devoted to this famous picture (1891 apparition photo, up top).
Boot Hill Ghost Picture
A man in a hat appears in a field behind a cowboy.
The Ferguson Ghost
Polaroid photograph might have captured his brother beside him.
Choir Loft Ghost Pic
A deason or priest is seen in the upstairs balcony.
Sefton Church Apparition
Stunning ghost photo may be the church's minister.
The Watcher
Famous , old ghost photograph taken in the Australia outback.
Best Ghost Photos
See some of the incredible ghost photos collected our first three years...
Real Ghost Pictures
View several more stunning ghost fotos.

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