What Does It Mean to Be ""Angelic""?

What is angelic? Are people angelic?

When most people hear the word angelic, they think of winged, heavenly angels that are perfect and pure. This stereotypical picture of angels is then used to compare other things to the image of perfection set within our minds. We may say that a cute, fuzzy animal is somewhat "angelic," meaning like an angel, or that a precious, newborn baby is angelic. When we compare things to angels, we try and identify with the good and pure within the object of our affection. And so it would seem the idea that angels are above and beyond corrupt humanity is firmly established within our Westernized thinking.

The term angelic by definition commonly means "of or belonging to angels; like or befitting an angel" (definition provided by Random House Dictionary). It's origin (1350-1400 CE) comes from the Latin angelicus, derived from the Greek word angelikos. The Middle English word that eventually became today's "angelic" is the word angelyk.

Many ideas of angels came to be socially acceptable through cultural teachings from artwork and literature. Whether a writing or a piece of art is accurate in depiction seems not to matter when we elect our socially acceptable standards of belief. For example, wings and halos upon angels were more the creation of artists during the Middle Ages and Italian Renaissance, than were they accurate representations found within early Christianity. Yet, the artists who depicted angels with wings were trying to convey the idea that angels are messengers from the higher place, the heavens, namely Spirit. This unseen realm of energy is equated with sky and altitude by the artists, and thus wings were a natural way such a higher being might travel like divine birds within the atmosphere. Spirits do not have wings, for they are messengers who can move at the speed of thought. For more on angelic wings, halos, etc, read: Angel Wings and Angels In Early Christian Art.

However, we need to cease from believing that mankind is lower than a snake's belly, for though we may seem like clumsy, error-filled flesh, we are truly spirits. Yes, mankind is an evr-growing mass of spirits within the whole Spirit, existing as, in some cases, individuals mostly unaware of our place. We do not know who we are.

One passage found within the Christian Bible is attributed to Jesus (Yeshua), a radical Jewish rabbi. The verse is found within Luke Chapter 20 and could reveal much about the fate of mankind and use of angelic in the sense of being like angels or angel-like:

"...for they cannot die anymore, because they are equal to angels and are the sons of God, being sons of the resurrection."

The resurrection spoken of in this passage is often considered to be some sort of physical transformation that only the best of people might attain, but understand that this passage is not about granting awards to only certain people who stand out from the rest of humanity. The word resurrection implies that something needs to be restored, and what needs restored is the understanding of who all of us are: spirits. Once we know who we are, and that we are incorruptible, perfect spirits having a human experience, it is then that the resurrection has taken place. Being equal to angels simply implies that we will have elevated our mind back to the truth, the higher place of wisdom that enlightened spirits (or angels) already inhabit. All of us at one time knew the truth, but somehow it has become forgotten for a time. That time will end, and eternity will be known.

When we mention "enlightened spirits," we are referencing those evolved humans are with us in the unseen realm of energy we can deem as "Spirit." Spirits interact with us, helping us to understand, providing direction and guidance for our lives. There is a purpose to their intervention, for the final outcome of the whole body of mankind will be unity, peace, love, joy and truth. To know that we are on a life-journey that will not end, ever-knowing, ever-experiencing love and peace, is a wonderful and thrilling idea. Therefore, we submit that everyone is, indeed, angelic; we are spirits. Of course,  we may not know it, and we might not act like it. But could it be that one day we will know the truth of who we are and our freedom shall be complete?