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Common mis-spellings for ghosts and angels: angl, gost, gohst, anegl, angal, pic, pikture. Other languages: gast, geister, geist, engel, revenant, ange, fantasma, angelo, grabado, aparicion.
Pictures: bild, bilder, accettazione, dipinto, figure, image, imagen, ingreso. Apy
Ghost Theories
We take a look at some theories about ghosts...

At Angels & Ghosts, we have been collecting ghost pictures, ghost stories and other evidence in order to study and understand ghosts. In doing so, we have studied others' theories, as well as formed our own. This article seeks to identify some of the theories concerning ghosts, as well as explain our own ideas we have formulated conerning spirits and ghosts. Most people believe ghosts to be the apparition of a deceased person, and approximately 32% of Americans believe in ghosts.
Theories About Non-Responsive Ghosts
We are going to seek to define theories surrounding ghosts by first explaining the various phenomena that often are labeled as being "ghosts" but are not true ghosts by our definition. For example, many believe that non-reactive apparitions of people that seem to do the same things over and over are some form of energy-imprint on the environment. This type of ghost manifestation is known as a non-intelligent haunting or a residual haunting, and is called such due to the lack of interaction between the ghost and the living. This type of ghost is not dissimilar to a video playing over and over, ever seeming to repeat itself. This is the commonly shared belief by most ghost hunters regarding this type of phenomenon. Can these types of ghosts be produced by strong thoughts created by people while living, continuing to exist within the atmosphere in some form or fashion? Can residual-type ghosts be produced through the power of our thoughts while we are alive? (Read: Create Ghosts)

The residual energy theory, as it relates to ghosts, remains unproven; so we have another possible theory as to what could cause such non-responsive entities. We wonder if it is also possible that this type of ghost
is conscious but just trapped in time, unable to communicate or interact with the living due to severe emotional trauma - a dubious mental prison, if you will. If true, could a human condition as outlined truly be what many of us deem, hell? Both ghost theories regarding non-reactive ghosts have merit but will have to be worked on in the future to see which might be true.
Poltergeist Ghost Theories
Another type of ghost that people have experienced is called a poltergiest. There are many ghost investigators who believe poltergeists to be the projected psychokinetic energy of a living person that creates movement of objects and various noises. Although the word "poltergeist" is German for "noisy ghost," this type of phenomenon is not attributed to ghosts by those who have studied such accounts. It seems true, at times, that poltergeist haunting activity is typically centered around a female adolescent in the home who is unwittingly producing the disturbance. The disturbance typically ceases over time, as the adolescent ages. But, we also wonder if a poltergeist, which means noisy ghost, is just that: the soul of a human being who is attempting to make their presence known to the living.
Spirits are the souls of people and animals. We believe we are finding that the spirits of people whose physical bodies have passed and gone unto the light often return to visit the living. Some may call these spirits from the light names, such as angels, spirit guides, messengers, light beings and even ghosts; but to call them ghosts would be a misidentification, we feel. Sometimes these spirits are seen visiting people during different times in their lives or even make themselves known through thoughts, dreams and other ways of communication. During the death of a person, many times spirits have been detected speaking with the person who is about to pass (see Messenger of Death story). Spirits come to ease the transition from this world to the next, and of course are human spirits who are loving and benevolant. Yet, these spirits are not ghosts, though closely associated, and maybe, this is why theories of ghosts at times seem blurred. We view spirits as enlightened or "lightened" human beings who have rid themselves of chains to the past. They are free and not trapped in this realm.

Angels & Ghosts: Our Ghost Theories
All people are spirits, even those of us who are living in our fleshy bodies, and we interact as spirits within Spirit. There is a scientific name for this invisible, spirit energy to some ghost theorists: neutrinos (or even dark matter). Spirit seems to encompass all that exists, appearing to be the life-energizing force that animates and supports everything. Everything there is, then, must exist within this energy, whether physically visible or invisible. From that perspective, the spirits of people would still exist after the passing of the physical body. The question is really, "What happens to the person's spirit, who they really are, after death?" Where will we find ourselves after stepping out of the flesh? As we already mentioned, our studies seem to have confirmed that many do in fact experience loved ones in spirit who visit them while on their deathbed. Upon death, the person does not cease to exist but interacts with these loved ones who help accompany them through the "tunnel of light" experience, so prominent in near death experiences. Typically after heading into the light, the person will eventually experience a life-review, as their entire lifetime will pass before their eyes, so to speak. Our theory is that this life-review is a process used to clean the soul, sort of a reflection and granting of a higher perspective upon the past physical life that was lived. The baggage of past failures and traumas are reconciled, healing the troubled soul - the person. It is a healthy, emotional experience needed to remove fears and mis-thinkings created by living in this often difficult, but only temporal, earthly world.

Unfortunately, some people, during the dying process, do not wish to go to the light (and the process of cleansing or "judgment" as some might call it; you are the judge, by the way) but elect to remain effectively
attached or at least attracted to the physical realm for a variety of reasons. The reasons for staying with the living are many, but ultimately fear is why a person does not transition from this world to the next to continue on their life journey in peaceful fashion. Fear of eternal punishment, fear of condemnation from loved ones who are awaiting them in spirit, fear of loved ones left behind needing them, fear of possessions left behind not being taken care, revenge, emotional turmoil are just some of the many possible reasons why people choose to strongly attach themselves to the earthly environment. The earth realm is what they can identify with at this time. These "earthbound spirits" are truly what ghosts are: temporarily lost, hurting people who are in need of help; for their mind has caused them to remain chained to the past in a state of fear and loneliness. This fear ghosts have within them may be only slightly subtle, or it may be magnified into severe panic.

Having not experienced the light and life-review, these ghosts are darkened, in a sense, by the thoughts that hold them captive. Their thinking has left them in hell, if you will, having effectively ensnared the mind into believing a white lie; for the past is illusion and only the present exists. This is the fearful carousel that ghosts have chosen to ride as their way of existence, unwittingly so. And for these lost people, finding a way to get off and move beyond the past life may seem hopelessly impossible. The earth realm seems logical to some ghosts; especially a wise choice for the person who wants to just hide in the shadows and hopefully not be seen or heard. For other ghosts, their fear cast them in this darkness; a lack of understanding in what went wrong. Perhaps, an untimely death set the path in motion.

We have found that some form of fear can be exhibited by all ghosts in some manner, with some fearful exhibitions being more recognizable than others: guilt, condemnation, hate, pride, prejudice, anger, doubt, worry and the like. Fear, to us, best defines the difference between a ghost and spirit. A spirit is free, full of love, help and care, and especially, peace. A ghost is a spirit; but in stark contrast, a spirit that is full of fear, a emptiness. A void of something miss in their lives exists. We truly need to understand the spirit world.

Our theory regarding ghosts centers around the previously described condition the earthbound spirits find themselves in. For these reasons, we believe many a haunting occurs, as ghosts are suffering and in need of assistance in easing the emotional pain. We believe that we are finding most ghostly activity, such as noises, dreams, visible appearances, various disturbance, communications, touching, and even attacks (though rare), can all be explained by coming to understand the desperate minds of pained, disembodied spirits. They are simply people in need of what many psychic mediums and ghost investigators have coined, "spirit rescue."

In conclusion, other theories regarding ghosts do exist, such as ghosts being simply the creation of an overactive mind, hallucinations, carbon monoxide poisoning, exposure to low frequencies, etc; but we are seeing too many pieces of the puzzle come together that cannot be explained away in total by the various, skeptical theories. At
Angels & Ghosts we have decided to transcend beyond the age-old question, "Do ghosts exist?" by coming to understand that ghosts do indeed exist. Knowing this, now we work toward understanding why they exist and how we may help them, and in turn, we just may be helping ourselves.

To learn more about ghosts, haunting, and the afterlife, get the book
Helping Ghosts.

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