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Common mis-spellings for ghosts and angels: angl, gost, gohst, anegl, angal, pic, pikture. Other languages: gast, geister, geist, engel, revenant, ange, fantasma, angelo, grabado, aparicion.
Pictures: bild, bilder, accettazione, dipinto, figure, image, imagen, ingreso. Apy
Ghost Voices
Do ghost voices exist? What are ghost voices?

Ghost voices are voices of ghosts either heard audibly, inaudibly or collected through EVP (electronic voice phenomena). You may listen to some recorded ghost voices at: EVP Recordings.

Ghosts have voices, too, but most often speak to us through thoughts. These thoughts may go unnoticed within us and be accepted as being our own. Learning to differentiate between our own voice and ghost voices will open one up to more of what is going on around us in the unseen.
Meditation helps greatly in clearing the mind and separating the thoughts or voices that may be in the mind of the person.

Ghosts are earthbound spirits, being disembodied after death of the physical body but choosing to remain in a parallel-to-earth, darkened, spirit world. Most of the time, ghosts remain trapped, interacting with the physical world due to emotional issues, attachments, fears or even addictions. Disincarnate spirits have not moved on unto the higher realms of the spirit world: of light, love, joy and peace with loved ones. They should be considered “lost,” as their condition of darkness reveals them as being “unclean.” Darkness seeks darkness, so it is no surprise that ghosts do not seek light but typically a place to hide.
In this “unclean” state, voices of ghosts are many times pleas for help and attention. Some ghosts wish only to let the living know that they are, indeed, still alive so they may move on. When people who receive ghostly thoughts do not recognize them as the voice of ghosts speaking to them, the disembodied spirit or spirits may become frustrated and turn to noise making and other attention-getting schemes, such as moving or hiding objects.

The more we study ghosts and spirits, the more we have become convinced that ghosts are around all of us. They may be occasionally with us, or in extreme cases, actually within us – interacting within the person who is unknowingly a victim of spirit possession or attachment.
Ghost Voices in Control or Influencing People
Control by a ghost over the possessed may be undetectable, but the thoughts or voices of those within still speak and seek to direct and lead the host person. In more extreme cases, the voices of a ghost or ghosts may assume almost total control of another’s thoughts (and thus their physical body), acting out the desires of the possessor(s).

In contrast, the voices of those who are enlightened spirits also come to us and are often perceived as spiritual thoughts. The difference between the ghost voices and voices of enlightened spirits is that ghosts have a tendency to (although sometimes unknowingly) seek control, or have their own selfish interests first; while enlightened spirit voices seek only to assist and aid from a higher perspective, never interfering with our lives. From a similar higher understanding, all of us are spirits of varying condition within one spirit: we must seek truth – light. The voices of those who are “enlightened” will assist us in aiding those who are lost (ghosts) and in need of rescue (helping the ghost to the light). This type of help with ghost problems is called “spirit rescue.

For more information, read Communication
From the Dead.

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